Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-05-08 || Randomness Times Four
Man, I can already tell that today�s entry is going to be all over the place. Be prepared.

So I was thinking about yesterday�s rant about People Magazine and its 50 Most Beautiful People issue again this morning and I had 2 thoughts: One, I forgot about Michael Vartan. Two, I should remember about People�s spotty track record. This is a magazine that once named Mark Harmon the Sexiest Man Alive. Mark Harmon. Someone there sure must have liked Summer School. Sure, he was cute and all, but the Sexiest Man Alive? They have some good crack there at the office, because that doesn�t even touch the crowning of Nick Nolte a few years later. There are so many things wrong with that I don�t even know where to begin. Sigh.

Now I�m sitting at work bored to tears but lucky to be alive. I had the bridge-work Traffic Gestapo driving behind me this morning. There is a lane closed on one of the bridges I have to take to get to work, so a lot of people like to ride in the soon-to-be closed lane for as long as they can because, well, you know, they are just more important than the rest of us. Gotta love New England drivers. Well this guy pulled the standard Traffic Gestapo move, which is straddling the middle line so no one can pass him and they are forced to get in line. I�m too wimpy to do the Gestapo. I just take pleasure in sneering �Jackass!� whenever a car passes me by. But this guy also had the whole riding-my-ass you�re-not-going-to-cut-me-off thing going on. Except there was no one trying to get in. Oh, but he was prepared. Dude, it�s 8:00 in the morning, cut me some slack. Get off my ass with your monster truck. Ah, the joys of the workday commute.

Now I�m trying to put together activities for this weekend�s bachelorette shin dig. My pal Rachel is getting married at the end of the month, so we�ve decided to have dinner and then hit some of our old dance haunts where we will no doubt feel completely old next to all of the college whippersnappers. Lucy and I are putting together a Scavenger Hunt/That Guy list for the occasion. I�m thinking I may pretend to be the bride, because for some reason guys go wild for a bride-to-be. Maybe I can get some play. If you have any good ideas, pass them on before Saturday.

I get to go home tonight and play �Does This Still Fit Me?� I�m off to Vegas (woo!) next week and have no idea if my summer clothes are going to fit. I think they will, but you never know. I don�t even remember what color my hair was last summer, I don�t think I remember much of my wardrobe. I hope I have some good Vegas-y stuff. I�m going to pack my naughty schoolgirl outfit, because if there�s anywhere you can wear it, it�s Vegas. Right? Plus, I need to wear that now since the one time I tried it all on together to see how it looked, my mother looked at me and said, �You�re almost 30, you know.� Ouch. Thanks, Mom. Just what I want to hear. The scar is still hurting from that one. Or maybe it�s my stomach still sore from laughing about Mark Harmon.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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