Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-05-10 || Sniffles and Packing
Damn you, the common cold!

So I'm feeling kind of like a pile of sludge right now and wondering why this damn cold couldn't have hit a few days earlier. I'm kinda glad that it didn't come later so I wouldn't have to be on a plane during the first-day nastiness. Let's hope it goes away quietly and quickly. I refuse to let it damper my bachelorette party plans tonight! I refuse to let it...zzzzzzzzz. Oh, wait, where was I? Dammit!

At least I've got all of the plans in place for tonight. It's not going to be a large group of us, so I decided to put a twist on the Bachelorette Party Scavenger Hunt for part of tonight's activities. I made up some Bingo-type cards with random guys to spot and small dares to complete. I've got a very large advantage over the other girls as I hold the two most powerful playing tools: Balls? One full set. Shame? None. None whatsoever. Oh, these girls are going down.

In the meantime, I face the daunting task of packing for Vegas. I just checked the weather and it is going to be in the high 80's and low 90's most of the time we're there. Oh no. I know what that means. I hope all of the other people in Vegas come prepared, because I'm going to be wearing...dum dum dum...shorts! Well, that wouldn't be such a bad thing if it wasn't...shorts without a tan! AAAAGGHHH! Hide the children! My legs are so friggin' white that if one sunbeam should happen to hit them the right way I'm going to be blinding everyone in sight. Vegas will be like Springfield in that episode of The Simpsons when the town gets turned onto high noon full-time. Old people everywhere will be sporting those wraparound Terminator-style huge sunglasses that they ordered from an ad in the coupon section of the Sunday paper. Let's hope I get a hint of a tan on the first day. Then all of this will be a moot point. Then I can venture into a bathing suit.

Ah, bathing suits. I bought one yesterday, which is a feat unto itself. Bathing suit shopping must be one of the activities in Hell. But I triumphed yesterday! Take that! And the best part is that I didn't have to spend $90 to get one that actually fits me properly. I really didn't even need another one, but if I find one that fits, I am buying it, sister. Just please don't look at me in it. Thank you.

See? Now I'm rambling and procrastinating and I really need to pack and wrap my Mother's Day gift and paint my...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Maybe I'll rest for a while. Just a little nap. A mini one? I've got to be in fighting form for tonight. Hairy Chest Guy and Random Frat Boy, your asses are mine! Get a guy's business card? Child's play. Get a...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Dammit!

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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