Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2005-04-08 || 3 Pictures Of 3 Things

Okay, BigPimpinMBA, your 3 pictures suggestions have won. Lord help me. (But isn't it nice to know that you edged out Andy's request for a picture of my ass since I had enforced the "no boobs" rule?) Anyway, here are the 3 things from my life that Mr. Big Pimp wanted to see pictures of:

1) Your oldest toy that you still have (probably from your childhood)
This is my beloved Winnie the Pooh, who is actually 2 years older than me. My brother got him when he was born and never played with him, so I got him when I came along. You'll see that I did play with him. A lot. Here's a picture of him "then":

Aww, isn't he cute? Remember that, because here he is now:

Well, I think he's cute now.

2) Yourself in an outfit that you should have thrown away quite a few years ago.
This one was a little tougher because as a shopaholic, I usually go through my closet twice a year and get rid of the stuff that I haven't worn or won't wear again, so there wasn't a lot to choose from. But there was The Orange Thing (tm). I bought this back in 1996, and I just loved it to death. I remember seeing it at Contempo Casuals and lusting after it, but leaving it there because it was $49.50. But then I went home and couldn't get it out of my mind, so I went back the next day and bought it. My mother was horrified at it, comparing me to a bowling alley employee or a gas station attendant. I prefer traffic worker myself. And it's funny, because my friends would laugh at it, but the guys LOVED it. One guy that I adored in college actually took it off of me and wore it for a few hours. Ah, good times. Anyway, although I hardly ever wear it anymore, I simply can't part with it. (And it's a good thing that Jessica and Heather only fug celebrities, because I'm sure I'd be making the list with this thing):

3) Your opened refrigerator and/or pantry.
The fridge porn just continues here at sockgirlie.com. Sadly, mine isn't that exciting:

I must point out that half of that stuff goes untouched by me (Apricot nectar, I'm looking at you). Since I don't have a pantry, I took a picture of my "bedroom stash." This is my little basket of "hands off!" goodies that I gorge on at night. There's usually a bag of Hershey's Nuggets and Pull n' Peel Twizzlers there, but I finished those off a few says ago and haven't restocked yet:

So there you go, Pimp. I hope I didn't let you down!


Are reality shows trying to hurt me with the eliminations this week? Because I think they are. First, the brothers on The Amazing Race, then my beloved Nikko on American Idol, and now my sweet Survivor (and hipbone king) Bobby Jon?? HOW MUCH CAN A GIRL TAKE??!!!!!!???! Hell, I was even a fan of Lluvy from Top Model and Angie on The Apprentice. I find myself begging in my best Oliver Twist voice, "Please sir, no more!!!"

You know what can soothe me? This:

(Photo from CBS site)


before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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