Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2005-04-06 || Arcade Dancing, Forever 21, & The Return of G McG

So yeah. I'm still here. I think I've figured out the reason why I haven't been updating here as much: I'm boring. There hasn't been much excitement going on right now, except for a few moments here and there. I mean, I did go on a date with a potential serial killer who should be cited for Illegal Use of Hands at the end of the night. I'm not sure that qualifies for exciting so much as creepy and alarming.

On the non-creepy and alarming side of things, I hit the mall with Sassy the other day, where she was able to be a first-hand witness to my still-ongoing problems with automatic paper-towel dispensers. They hate me. Seriously. But we weren't there for that, we were at the mall to finally have our long-awaited battle on the dance revolution game (Last time we couldn't figure out how to make it 2 players. This time we conquered that bitch.):

Let me tell you, that thing is a monster. We played 2 games in a row and I felt like I had just finished running a marathon. Well, maybe I have to factor in the part about me being RIDICULOUSLY out of shape, but still. (Exercise? What's that? Leave me alone, there's TV on.) Anyway, Sassy handed me my awkward/spazzy-dancing ass on a platter both rounds, trash-talking beautifully all the while. I had, in fact, been served.

In addition to conquering the dance game, Sassy and I made good on our vow to go back to Forever 21 to try on ridiculous outfits and have a good laugh for ourselves. Unfortunately, our dressing rooms were too far across from each other to follow through with our picture-taking strategy. The dressing rooms are in the middle of the store, so we would have had to walk out of the safe confines of our little rooms to show off the horrors that we were wearing. Aaaaand...no on that. I tried the stealth photo without the flash in the dressing room, but it didn't really come out well:

It just looks like a screen capture from surveillance cameras. It's too bad that you can't see the beauty of the aqua tie-dyed ruffle skirt I'm wearing. I also looked fabulous in these puppies. My favorite pants were the celery green version of these, which, really - eyelet lace + ribbons + random strings + cargo pants = stylin', baby. Now, in all fairness to the Forever 21, I must point out that they also sell a LOT of cute things. They just have SO many things in the store that there is a plethora of both good and REALLY, really bad. I scored some cute shirts and Sassy got herself a shirt and an adorable skirt. So we truly do love the Forever 21 - it's the best of all worlds. Cheap, too! We did draw the line, however, at purchasing a shirt that proclaimed, "It's all good."


After our shopping excursion, Sassy came back to my house where we engaged in a little Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture Edition. I think Sassy is still disturbed by the useless facts that fill my brain, especially when I got a question about what caused Ytossie and Taheed to get thrown off of Temptation Island. I immediatley whispered in my most scandalized tone, "Ooh, they had a child!" Sassy just stared and announced how scared she was of me. All I have to say is, who got served now?! Did I just admit to having watched Temptation Island? Oh dear. Maybe I should stop typing now.

Or maybe just change the subject.

Yes, I shall do that. In final news of the day, it's nice to see that some things never change. Like my assdom. Now that I'm back at my old office, I knew it would only be a matter of time before I had a run-in with my old Fake Boyfriend G McG. Longtime readers will remember him, but any newbies should just know that I had a frustratingly big crush on this guy and proceeded to make an ass out of myself every time I saw him. (I think this is my favorite entry back from the G McG era) My interactions with him actually led to the creation of my hated alter-ego, RoboPam. Anyway, as I was walking out to my car yesterday, who should be strolling through the parking lot but Mister G McG himself? We both noticed each other at the same time, and he smiled and said, "Hey, Pam!" Oh boy. Then he stopped to talk to me and just KEPT TALKING. It was like I was his best buddy. Also? God, he is still swoony. Oh, how I hate him so. Seriously, this guy has some voodoo thing over me or something. When I first started talking to him, I was literally shaking. WHAT IS THAT ALL ABOUT??!! Thankfully, that subsided and we just chatted away for about ten minutes. I bet he still has that girlfriend, too. That bitch. Oh my God, listen to me! I'm like a maniac! What is wrong with me??? Argh! Did I mention how much I hate this guy? Because I do. Well, no, but yes. No. Yes. Well, not really. Gah!!!

Whose idea was it to come back to this office?? Mine? Oh.


While I was talking to G McG, it dawned on me that it would figure that I would run into him that day since I had to wear my glasses because of a random sty in my eye AND I had on this shirt:

I saw him look down at my shirt and then look at my matching sneakers while we were talking. But he just kept the conversation going, which I assume meant this exchange was happening in his head: "Boy, this bitch is crazy. I should keep her talking so I can laugh about this later." When I mentioned something about being weird, he told me that I wasn't weird at all. Translation: You're insane, not weird! Also? I'm not weird? Get to know me, dude. No, seriously. Get to know me. Aaagghh! See what he does to me? Evil, I tell you. Voodoo.

At least he probably doesn't employ Illegal Use of Hands on dates. I still need a shower after that one. [shudder]


I'm still taking requests for the 3 picture deal. What you do is leave me a comment telling me 3 things from my life that you'd like me to post pictures of here. Get creative!


TV Boyfriends of the Day: Brian from The Amazing Race and Bobby Jon from Survivor.
Oh, how I will miss the brothers on TAR. And Bobby Jon just keeps getting hotter every week. And those hipbones! Oh, you know my weakness for those. If I had a uterus, I would have that boy's children, because damn.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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