Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-07-12 || Bad DJs and Fantasy Boyfriends
It's really fun when you remember something that you're good at. I was reminded tonight that I can hula hoop like a mofo. I be hula-ing that hoop all day long, baby. I really don't even know where it came from or remember ever honing the skill. It must be something you're born with. Can I win an Olympic medal for it? No? Damn.

Tonight I went to a surprise party for my uncle, where there was, for the first hour and a half or so, the worst DJ on the planet. For the first 45 minutes while people were arriving and mingling, he played and entire Anita Baker CD. WHY??? Then, when he actually started playing music while people were attacking the buffet, he started out with 'Have I Told You Lately That I Love You.' Even better, he followed that up with 'Can't Smile Without You.' What? Who? Why? What DJ even brings that song? If you're going to play a Barry Manilow song, if you really must, you don't play that song. And no on the 'Mandy' as well. You'd have to play 'Copacabana.' That's all there is to it. 'Can't Smile Without You'? No. Just no. I'm not saying it's a bad song - I remember wearing out the 45 when I was about 7, but it's not a party song. Plus, I was 7. Leave me alone. Oh man, I can almost hear the collective head-scratching of the younger readers as they wonder, "What's a 45?" During college I worked at a gift shop with 15 and 16 year old girls, and I remember one of them asking me that one time. Another one also asked me one night, "Who's Pat Benatar?" Aaagghh! I'm old! We still have an older stereo with an 8 track player so my mom can play her favorite Christmas tape. 8 track! Wooo!

Where was I now? Oh yes, the bad DJ. He followed up the Manilow with 'Don't Pull Your Love Out On Me Baby,' a random Steely Dan song and 'Don't Go Breakin' My Heart.' What DJ plays these songs?? I only know the first song from the piped-in music at the aforementioned gift shop. I also wish he had the Miss Piggy version of the third one as well. Classic tune. Shortly thereafter, the DJ took a short dinner break during which he played the rest of the Anita Baker CD. Nothing says 'party' like some good ol' 'Caught Up in the Rapture.' WTF? Thankfully, he turned to more dance-friendly tunes later. But still, dude, Manilow?

Before the party, I went to the movies this afternoon to see Pirates of the Caribbean. It rocked. I also really appreciate movies with 2 hot leading men. Depp and Bloom make for some nice eye candy. Enemy at the Gate was also a good one for that with the one-two punch of Joseph Fiennes and Jude Law. God bless whoever cast that movie. But back to Pirates, it was so refreshing to have Johnny Depp in a movie that's not about a chocolate shop. Nice to have you back, Johnny. And Gore Verbinski, you should know that no matter how much you may try, you just can't ugly up Johnny Depp. Go ahead, make him look dirty, give him bad teeth and nappy hair - he's still going to look hot. It's just the way it is. The same goes with Jared Leto. David Fincher loves to try to ugly him up in his movies. He bleached his hair and eyebrows and later deformed his face in Fight Club, but still a little something shone through. Granted, it was a very little something after the deformed face business, but it was still there. I even loved him with the (gasp!) corn-rows in Panic Room. Oh yes, and the requisite burned face. Leave my Jared alone! Let him be pretty! He's going to be anyway, so why even try? Lucy and I were just talking about him the other night after I had watched some of my DVD set of My So-Called Life. Leto is totally still my number one fantasy boyfriend. He is just, just, (thud). Oops, did I faint like a little schoolgirl? Someone had asked me about my boyfriend list the other night. I'll have to organize it and post it sometime. Fantasy boyfriends rule! Taylor Hanson actually held the number one spot for a while, but then he went and got married and spawned. That knocks you right out. Damn. I also used to feel a little creepy about it because I was hot for him when he was 15. I think I was 24. So I think I feel a little better now about him being off the list. A little less like a dirty old woman. That's always a plus.

Man, I'm rambling once again and I really need to go to bed. I'll have to save my stories from Friday night and the country-western bar for my next entry. Stay tuned....

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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