Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-06-08 || Bathroom Diva!

Ah yes, so now I remember why I don�t like to leave the building during the work day � I don�t want to come back. Ever.

The power in our building had to be shut down for an hour this morning due to some vermin in the pipes or crawlspace or something. Seriously. All I could picture when I heard that was a young Bill Murray outside, twisting a hose handle while he schemed to eradicate the vermin. I�m still curious as to what exactly the �vermin� was, because there is a scraggly ass coyote that wanders the field behind our building. I wouldn�t want to come face to face with him in some pipe. He looks feral. Anyhoo, the break today brought all of the people in my unit out to the atrium area in the building, and the sun beating through the glass ceiling and the temporary loss of air conditioning made it nice and toasty out there. Thank you, vermin, for deciding to nestle in the pipes during the first day of the season to hit 90 degrees. Thank you very much. My boss wandered out to the atrium a few minutes later and asked me if I wanted to go outside and see if there was a breeze. It was gorgeous outside, so she suggested we just keep walking until we got to her car. Once there, she put the top down and we jumped in and went tooling out of the parking lot, shouting, �See ya,� and waving behind us. We just went on a couple of errands, but it was a nice and welcome distraction. I stayed in the car while she tended to her banking, bathing in the warm sun, cursing the fact that we had to go back to work. Throwing some �Woo!�s and waves to some hot construction workers made me want to go back even less. But alas, we had to. So now here I sit, staring into the abyss like the Grinch and yearning to go play outside. This is why I should never leave the building. But damn, those construction workers were hot. Ah, welcome summer. You bring hot men forth. And thank you, vermin.


It�s quite possible that there is witchery afoot at Joe�s American Bar & Grille restaurants. I went to one for the first time the other night and marveled at the power of the bathroom. The music that is piped into the restaurant is also playing quite loudly in the bathroom. I�m not used to this, so when I do run into it, I enjoy it. However, this bathroom made me�do strange things. I don�t know what came over me, but all of a sudden I just started involuntarily singing along with the music. Thank God there was no one else in there, although now I suspect they may have been doing the same thing. I couldn�t help it. I just sang. And the odd thing about it was that I suddenly knew every word to A Moment Like This, even though I�ve probably heard that song maybe twice in its entirety. When I went back to the bathroom a second time (free soda refills!), it happened again. Luckily, I was alone again. This time I gave a bravura performance of Where Have All The Cowboys Gone. I have to say, though, that bathroom was built for singing. The acoustics were incredible. I may have to go back there to record an album. When I stopped in one more time before my ride home, I tried to resist, but the forces were just too powerful. I performed my encore and then heard the announcement in my head as I was leaving, �Pam has LEFT the building. Thank you, Massachusetts! Good night!�

So let this be a warning to you: watch out for those bathrooms. Or, I guess it could also be a warning not to take me there with you as to avoid any embarrassment on your part. �Hey everybody, there�s a crazy girl singing in the bathroom! I think she thinks she�s on Star Search or something. That bitch crazy!!� Of course, I would completely understand your subsequent disowning of me. But it�s witchery, I tell you! Witchery!!!!

[sigh] �Yippee yi, yippie yi..."

Co-Worker Fashion Faux Pas of the Day: Light-fabric cream colored pants with dark blue underwear.

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