Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-06-09 || Laughter, Tears, And Men's Magazines

Oh Lordy, how I am loving The Daily Show With Jon Stewart today. Please tell me you all saw Monday night�s episode (repeated all day yesterday) with the segment on the Enron tapes when they recreate a phone call to Grandma Millie. Oh. My. God. It was the funniest thing I have seen in years. �Ooh, my hip just broke from sadness.� I called my brother about it last night and we were practically in tears on the phone. If you haven�t seen it, try to catch a repeat. (It�s the June 7th episode with Donna Brazile) You won�t be sorry. I�m still laughing.


In other news, I may have to go into Boston to kick some radio station ass. It seems that a new station has come into town, placing itself on the airwaves right next to my favorite local station. Somehow, this behemoth is screwing with my lovely little local Providence signal and I can no longer get my favorite station in on my alarm clock radio. It still comes in, but you hear both stations at once. This does not please me, because MY station actually plays music in the morning. Fancy that! And I am not a fan of the cheesy morning DJs we get around these parts. At all. Maybe I�m crazy, but when I listen to the radio I like to hear music. Especially to wake me up. I don�t want to hear some jackass hassling a little old lady at 6:45 in the morning. It is just too early for that shit. Give me some rockin� tunes to get my ass moving. I hope I don�t get desperate enough that I have to fashion some sort of makeshift antenna out of coat hangers, tin foil, and gum to hang out of my bedroom window to get a better signal. I�m weird enough already, for Christ�s sake. Maybe I�ll just go up to Boston and drive right into the station�s transmitter. Nah, I like my car too much. Dammit! See what happens when they take my music away? Please, please don�t take it away....


I�ve discovered something about my magazine reading habits recently � I�ve been doing it all wrong all these years. GQ is where it�s at. Someone sent me an issue a few months ago to taunt me with the Angelina Jolie pictures, and then I just picked up the current issue for the Jake Gyllenhaal article and pictures. (Holy hip dents!! [droooooooooool]) I ended up reading both issues cover to cover and found myself surprised to have enjoyed them so much. What the hell have I been doing reading Cosmopolitan and Marie Claire? They�re mostly filled with boring ads. GQ is chock full of pages and pages of ads featuring some ridiculously hot men. Along with the models, there are ads featuring Paul Rudd, Luke Wilson, Adrien Brody, etc. It�s eye candy overload!!!!! How have I not known about this?? To top it all off, they have David Sedaris as a frequent contributor. Sedaris, people. I�ve been reading �Ask Irma� and these guys have had Sedaris. I can�t even tell you how much I am shaking my fist at boys right now. I think I may just have to adjust my first name and get a subscription. Hot pictures of Angelina, Jake, celebrity boyfriends aplenty AND Sedaris? Sold!


See y�all tonight for the MTV Movie Awards...

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