Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-08-31 || A Love Letter And Good-bye To An Old Friend

R.I.P. My love.


That was the sound coming from my trusty and faithful hair dryer this morning. I listened and watched as he sat there and sputtered, praying for death. My poor buddy has been through so much with me. He has braved trips to D.C. and Vegas, where he has been tucked safely between clothes in my suitcase before surely having the ride of his life and feeling the wrath of the baggage throwers, I mean handlers. He has seen me through numerous hair changes and has never once shouted, �what the HELL did you do this time?� He does not judge. I love him for that, because seriously � sometimes my hair whims are not the best whims ever. But he says nothing, and cheerily blows his little heart out, helping me to try to fix the madness that is growing out of my scalp. He has strong lungs � that is why I love him so. Regrettably, I tried to cheat on him last year with a new dryer, one that promised half of the drying time due to its power and sheer awesomeness. I fell for the other dryer�s lies and empty promises because of my weakness � if there�s one thing I�d like to remove from my every day routine, it is drying my hair. (My hair is quite porous and takes ridiculously long to dry.) My weakness drove me to it! But I was right � they were all lies. That other dryer was a pansy. He had no lungs. He had no power. He was not my friend. He was not my love. So I bought some flowers and candy and crawled on my knees back to my old friend, begging forgiveness. But I didn�t even need to grovel, for his love is unconditional. He welcomed me back with open arms and a strong gust of hot air for good measure. My world was complete once again.

That is, until today. I�ve been ignoring the warning signs that have been appearing here and there, signs that were warning me that something was wrong with him. I didn�t want to believe them. He�s invincible � he�s the strongest and best dryer ever! He�s immortal. I so wanted to believe that. I ignored the random burning smell that would pop up every so often, telling myself that he just needed a cleaning. I cleaned him with love and he held on tight and kept going. But today � today, he was suffering. I could hear him crying as parts of him clanked around and he wheezed in pain. Then he looked at me with a sad look on his warm and once-powerful grill, begging me to let him go. "We�ve had a good run," he said. And really, he�s lasted years longer than one would have expected. I tried to pretend his pleas were just a joke, but when I turned him on again, his suffering was too apparent. His cries were deafening. I gently turned him off, easing his pain and thanking him for everything. �I�ll never forget you, for you were the best,� I told him as I wrapped him up one last time. He was still warm as he looked at me with relief and whispered, �Thank you.�


Dammit, now I have to buy a new hair dryer. Stupid new pansy ass hair dryers. Any suggestions in terms of good and powerful ones?

Movie Pick of the Day: Garden State
Natalie Portman is awesome in it. Just try not to cry when she is on the stairs at the end. Just try.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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