Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-09-03 || If I'm Such A Director, Why Can't I Direct The Creep Away From My Boobs?

�But what I really want to do is direct.� Are you nuts?

Sometimes I think that I may be just a bit TOO easygoing, as was demonstrated this past week. We had our first rehearsal for the new play on Sunday, and 2 people didn�t show up. I�ve actually never met one of the guys � he was coming with the other one who didn�t show. Luckily, I know that the other guy who didn�t come is reliable, so I didn�t make much of it. He came with us when we were scouting out locations, so I knew he was down. It was still a little funny to me to see the faces on some of the other cast members� faces when we realized they weren�t coming. They ranged from confused to panic-stricken to �What the hell have I gotten myself into?� But hey, we made do and muddled through and I managed to get a hold of the guy this week and pass along the full script to him and his buddy. He thought rehearsal was this Sunday. Now I know why I included calendars on the front of all of the scripts so people can write down the rehearsal schedule. There�s one thing I�ve learned from the past.

As I was writing down the date of our next rehearsal, I realized that we don�t have all that much time to pull this thing together. It looks like more, but we are only planning to rehearse once a week most of the time, and we don�t have a rehearsal this week because of the holiday. Our show is going to be performed November 5th and 6th. Did I mention that this cast has 10 people in it and the play is twice as long as the last one? Yikes! But that�s okay, it�s someone else�s thing to worry about, right? Well, it was pointed out to me yesterday that this is entirely incorrect when one of my friends was asking about the play:

FRIEND: Who wrote it?

ME: I did.

FRIEND: And who is producing it?

ME: Me.

FRIEND: Well, who is directing it?

ME: I am. (I�m a bit of a control freak when it comes to things that I created)

FRIEND: But I thought you were starring in it.

ME: I am!

FRIEND: Programs, advertising�

ME: Me and me.

FRIEND: So you�re doing all of that and you�re not freaking out?

ME: No. I�m also organizing and singing in the after-show cabaret. (thinking for a minute) Oh, shit. That�s kind of a lot, huh?

FRIEND: You�re crazy.

ME: But you�re going to come, right?

FRIEND: I wouldn�t miss it for the world.

So yeah, I guess I�m officially insane. Pray for Mojo. But it�s actually not bad, because I enjoy what I do. And besides, I got to write myself a part where I dress like Little Orphan Annie � what�s better than that?


That settles it, I'm never wearing my boobs to work again. I was running a little late this morning, so I threw on a cute little top that I forgot I had and didn't even really look at it much until I got to work. Apparently, this shirt gives me some good boobage. It's all an illusion, of course - God Bless you, Victoria's Secret - but still. I can look down and see a small amount of cleavage. I also don't remember this shirt being so low-cut when I bought it. In any case, I'm never wearing it to work again. There is a sleazy guy who works in the office across the hall who has a reputation for being a ladies man even though he's married. I've seen him on a regular basis since the end of January and he has never once spoken to me. Today? Today, he came right over and sat at the break table across from me and acted like my new best friend. He's so creepy in that sleazetastic way. Ew. Also? Stupid boobs. I'm never bringing them to work again.

As you can probably tell, it's been a pretty boring week when I have to resort to talking about my boobs. [sigh] Hopefully this weekend will be more exciting. Send boys, please.

Co-Worker Fashion Faux Pas of the Day: Olive green suit, shoes, AND nylons. She's a walking stream of puke.

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2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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