Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-06-01 || Avoiding Work: aka The Rest Of My Weekend

Man, I feel like I�m living parts of the movie Office Space right now, especially the �spacing out at my desk� part. I�ve been at work for just about an hour and haven�t done much of anything yet. Well, anything work-related. I actually don�t have anything to do, so that�s okay. There�s busywork that I could do, but I�d rather space out, talk on the phone, whisper about the anomaly of having a cute boy in the atrium and wonder what he�s doing there, e-mail friends, and write a pointless and rambling diary entry. Speaking of which � shall we?

Ah, so I should probably address the rest of my weekend after my last entry. It calmed down after most of that stuff. I forgot to mention that I watched Billy the Kid vs. Dracula one night. I was surprised to find that in the Old West, vampires could walk around in broad daylight. Who knew? With that being said, here�s some of what I did the rest of the weekend:

- Played mini-golf (�putt-putt� to you folks out west) and ended up with a small sunburn. It wasn�t even that hot or sunny, but I felt it when I jumped in the tub last night and shouted out, �EEEEIIIIIIAAAAHHHH!� The worst part about the burn is that it has now ruined my whole summertime tan pattern. I was wearing Capri pants, so I now have a slight sunburn on my legs from my ankles to where the pants hit me mid-calf. This is not good. I fear that now, for the rest of the summer, that part of my leg will be darker than the rest and I�ll look like I�m wearing permanent skin-socks all season. The pattern, it is ruined! Ruined, I tell you!!! (I may be overreacting a little, but it�s only because one year I made the mistake of getting a burn while wearing shorts and those tan lines never faded all summer, so when I wore a bathing suit I looked like an idiot. God, I hope I don�t end up with skin socks.)

- Relaxed in a Jacuzzi tub while drinking fresh Coca-Cola out of a wax/paper Dixie cup. For me, there�s not much better than Coke in one of those cups. It�s all about the container, baby. (Much like tea in a Dunkin� Donuts paper cup. Sublime.) Wax cup Coke AND a Jacuzzi? Pure bliss.

- Went to see Raising Helen and was angry about having to sit through that attached Disney cartoon. Why would they attach a cartoon to that movie?? Spent the ride home listening to my brother repeatedly questioning how Chris Robinson landed Kate Hudson.

- Bought my tickets for Harry Potter! I�ve got Friday off so we can go to the matinee before the kiddies get out of school. There shall be no noise and numerous bathroom treks during my Potter experience. I might miss a good Malfoy sneer, and then I�d be REALLY upset.

- Made a JournalCon buddy! Word to Shmuel. He rocks. I also feel better now knowing that I�ll at least kinda know someone there. I�m hoping to know even more people before the trip.

- Played one of the greatest games ever: Flashback � The Movie Edition. It�s even better than the first edition, the Sitcom Edition. Just try to stump me on a Forrest Gump, Coming To America or Sixteen Candles question. It can�t be done.

Well, the cute boy has left the atrium, so I suppose I should start doing some actual work for a little while. It�s only 52 minutes until my next �Spacing Out� appointment time. I think I can handle that. While I�m working, space out for me. Thanks.

Co-Worker Fashion Faux Pas of the Day: An alarmingly ugly yellow/brown/puke-colored shirt with what looks like a hieroglyphic design on it, brown jeans, and BLACK shoes.

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2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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