Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-06-02 || But I Don't Wanna Be A Pirate!

I�m going to be living in complete fear for the next week.

Last Saturday I started to notice that I was squinting a bit when I was reading and trying to see things on TV. As the days have passed, I�ve noticed it a bit more and more. Yesterday my eyes really started bothering me to the point of getting a headache from the strain. This is not good, because it is my left eye that is giving me the trouble. You see, my left eye is my life. My right eye? Pretty useless. About 3 years ago I stopped being able to even see the large �E� on the eye chart at the eye doctor. Now I just laugh when she asks me what I can see with my left eye covered. So I love my left eye. It�s my best friend. Up until about 5 years ago, I was relying on it to see everything. I had 20/30 vision, but it was basically all due to my left eye doing all of the work. My doctor would marvel at the fact that I didn�t wear glasses. Then my left eye started getting a little strained and I couldn�t see things far away as well. I finally decided to get me some contacts after my doctor struck the fear of God in me by suggesting that my right eye might eventually turn lazy due to lack of use. That�ll get you some contacts REAL fast.

When I finally got my lenses, I couldn�t believe how much better I could see. I didn�t have to wait until I was right on top of street signs to know whether or not it was the street I wanted, I could see the TV from the other room, etc. Ah, sight! So you can see how the advent of this slight blur in my left eye might trouble me. I can�t even try out my glasses instead because the lenses in those are two prescriptions ago. Thankfully, I have an appointment with my eye doctor to check things out next Tuesday. However, my mind is now turning to thoughts of what to do between now and then. Of course, I�ve found that I may have different concerns than others might have when faced with the same situation. Here are some of my thoughts:

- What if the boy I�m ogling is not as cute as I think he is? What if I�m blatantly gawking at a Monet? What if there are children watching me? What will the children think? Who will save the children? Okay, yeah, I�m actually only concerned about the first two.

- What if the color of underwear I�m wearing isn�t an exact match to my outfit? What if I�m wearing a red shirt and I mistakenly pair it with my watermelon colored set? Oh no, I mustn�t think of such atrocities!

- What if I�m watching TV and mistakenly turn on The Ryan Seacrest Show and continue watching it because I can�t see what it is??? The horror!!!!

- Thank God American Idol is over, or I may have misread the numbers and voted for someone like Leah. Oh God. How would I be able to sleep at night? Have I already asked about the children? Yes? Okay, good.

- What if I�m enjoying some Hershey�s Miniatures and eat a Special Dark, thinking it is a regular Hershey�s bar? Ack! Do you know how long that wretched Special Dark aftertaste lasts?? DO YOU KNOW??!!?? Wait, who am I even talking to? Myself? Hi, Self. I like your shoes. At least I think I do. No, I do. I bought them when I could SEE.

- Is it next Tuesday yet? Seriously. I could have voted for LEAH. That boy could be UGLY. I could be eating LOW-FAT food and then wondering why my food tastes like plankton! This shit is no joke. Is it Tuesday yet???


I got this from cosmicrayola � sounds about right:


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