Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-07-12 || Million Dollar Hotness

I'm still panting.

Our little ol' state is hosting the minor league baseball All Star Game this year. We're the home base for the minor league Red Sox team, so you can imagine how the fans are. Anyhoo, they're making a big to-do out of everything and there's a 3 day celebration going on starting tonight with 'Celebrity Monday.' Basically, they grabbed a bunch of old sports stars and random celebrities for a home run derby down at the stadium, followed by some fireworks and such. Tomorrow night is the big one for me, as there is a free concert in Providence featuring my boys Hanson. Taylor for FREE? Woo! (Although I must say, surprisingly Isaac has turned out to be the Hanson I'd most like to date. I'm not thrilled with Taylor's newfound propensity for stupid-looking scarves. You're not the Red Baron, Tay.) Wednesday is the All-Star Game, but who cares about that? I'm just in it all for the random celebrities.

Which brings us to tonight and the aforementioned panting. I went to Celebrity night on the off chance that Hanson would make an appearance, but alas, they did not. I figured I'd check out how hot Evan and Jaron were while I was there, and then I noticed two names in the program that I hadn't seen advertised anywhere before. One of them was one of my Celebrity Boyfriends. I searched and searched the field, looking for a mess of hair sticking out of a baseball hat, but didn't see any. Then a few minutes later, he appeared. He started signing some things for the kiddies, so I did what any adult woman would do - I snuck over 4 sections and pushed my way through the kids to gawk. LORDY ALMIGHTY. I knew he was hot, but TV does not even do him justice, people. I'm talking ROBOhot. Uberhot. Sadly, these pictures don't do him much justice either, but enjoy anyway. I'm off to drool some more....

Rowr!!! Also? Much shorter than I would have thought.

EEEETTTTHHHHAAAANNNNN. Take off your shirt, Ethan. Show me those hip bones, Ethan. Please?

Oh, her. Pfft. "Swimsuit Model." Whatever. But DAYAM, look at him. His ass? Delicious. Simply delectable. [sigh] Yeah, sorry, this is basically a "He's Friggin' HOT" fluff entry. Mmmmm. Ethan swinging that long, wooden bat...ROBOhot.

Sweet dreams....

Non-Diaryland Link of the Day: Pamie.com
This was the first online journal that I started reading regularly. I LOVE her Valentine's Day poems.

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2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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