Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-07-09 || In My Day....

Good Lord, I�m getting old.

I actually started off a sentence with the words, �In my day,� yesterday. In my day?? Who am I, Grumpy Old Man from SNL? (Ah, back in the good ol� days of that show. Dammit, I did it again! Good ol� days? AAAGGGHHH!!) Thankfully, I didn�t have to walk 3 miles in 5 feet of snow to get to school every day, so I�m safe there. But still. Next thing you know I�ll be complaining about �those young whippersnappers.� Come to think of it, those no-good hoodlums across the street were keeping me up with their rock n� roll music the other night. Damn hippies. I bet they�re taking the pot. OH MY GOD MAKE IT STOP.

I�m okay, really. Phew. That was a close one. I was thisclose to picking up the phone and ordering a Medic Alert necklace. I LOVE those commercials, by the way, just for the fact that when that poor little old woman is talking, they put the caption �Fell, couldn�t reach phone� under her name. That must be her Native American name. Mine is �Chases the cute boys.�

Anyway, my foray yesterday into the lexicon of the blue-hairs had to do with teen girls having it so easy these days in the boy finding area. Well, specifically the part about finding the houses where the boys live. Because, let me just point out right now, 99% of teenage girls drive by boys� houses. When you get your license at 16, there�s not much else to do or many other places to go, so you ride around and drive by cute boys� houses. It�s just what you do. It was passed down to me by my aunt, and I passed it down to my neighbor. If my mother ever passes it down to you, watch out � she used to pull into the driveways and beep the horn, yelling, �Put the coffee on!� I would be on the floor of the car, shouting, �Drive! Drive! NO!!! GO!!!!!� She�d just cackle and drive away merrily.

When I finally got my license, I became legendary for my sleuthing abilities. This is where the girls have it very easy today. I prefer to do it the hard way. Investigative work, that�s what it�s all about. IN MY DAY we didn�t say, �Google him.� No, you hit the pavement and did some good old fashioned detective work. It was fun. And IN MY DAY we didn�t have all of these newfangled things like Mapquest. I owned a book of street maps that came to be somewhat of a boy-finding bible. I still have that book of street maps, but now it�s a million years old and is filled with numerous pages that are turned down with various scribbles and routes outlined in pen all over them. Sometimes we�d even be daring and go without the book, although I do recall having to stop at a 7-11 every now and then to have one of my friends run in to look at one of the books in there. The beauty about those book was they would often offer a bunch of different ways to get to a certain place � unlike fancy little Mapquest. They don�t give you every possible getaway route on there. You need getaways for the nights when you happen to have the WORST timing in the world and turn onto the boy�s street just as he is getting into his car to go out. There�s nothing like a good getaway to get your adrenaline pumping. Usually, the soundtrack to your getaway was something akin to your friends shrieking, �He�s going to see me! Oh my God, DRIVE!!!! AAAAGGGGHH!!!! Did you see him?! How cute! Oh no, he�s coming � go, go, GO!!!�

I hope teenage girls these days still do things like that. Listen to me, �these days.� But really, I got my license in 1990. It�s been a long time since I was out there tooling around, hoping for a glimpse of a light in a window. �OH MY GOD, he�s in his room!!! Squee!!!� Never lose that teen girl inside of you, ladies. I know I hope I never do. She rocks.

Anyone wanna go for a ride?

Non-Diaryland Link of the Day: Chiara's Page
I'm a little obsessed with the Pimp Hands these days. She's going to teach them to me at JournalCon. Pimp Haaaands! I can't wait.

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