Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-11-18 || Pam's Fall 2004 Viewing Schedule

Now that Fox has finally aired the first real episode of The Simpsons for the season (Those Treehouse of Horror Specials are getting worse every year. Lose them, Groening), I figured I�d take some time to share my thoughts on the new fall TV season. (Plus, I�m PAINFULLY bored at work and have nothing else exciting going on in my life that I can ramble about.) Anyhoo, let�s take a tour of Pam�s viewing schedule, night-by-night. (This may serve as proof of why there is nothing else exciting going on for me.) Shall we?


- The Simpsons - Still funny after all these years. More Moe! More Wendell!
- Arrested Development - I can�t agree with the critics more when they plead for people to watch this. God, it�s funny.
- Desperate Housewives - Hey, a primetime drama that has nothing to do with law, order, or any kind of medical or crime scene investigation! I never thought I�d be saying this, but God bless you, ABC.
- The Surreal Life - New season in January! Until then, I�ll just have to amuse myself with my shouts of �FLAVOR FLAV!!� I can�t wait for his spin-off with Bridgette, Strange Love. FLAVOR FLAV!! [Note to Surreal Life casting: the next cast? Not so exciting. Bring us the Haim.]


- Night off! Woo!


- Gilmore Girls - Pamie was right in her most recent recaplet when she said, �When the show is good, it�s pretty damn good, isn�t it?� Word. And start sending the hate mail now, because although I do LOVE the Luke and Lorelai thing, my heart belongs with Christopher.
- Veronica Mars - I�m quite enjoying The Mars. Well played, UPN.
- The Amazing Race - Welcome back, my friend. And please get Jonathan OFF my TV as soon as possible. Thank you.
- American Idol - Well, when it returns in January. Hopefully they�ll have a better crop than last year. Ugh.


- Lost - I *heart* J.J. Abrams. And since I haven�t made a fool out of myself enough for today, I give you Pam�s first theory about what was going on (I gave up on it about 3 episodes in � I�m not a complete fool): �Ooh, I wonder if they�re in the Bermuda Triangle!� Suuuuuure. I�ve since given up on theorizing and have just been enjoying the show and the Matthew Fox. Good to have you back, Charlie.
- America�s Next Top Model - I am KICKING myself for just starting watching this season. I�m completely hooked. Bring me Seasons 1 & 2 on DVD, toot sweet!
- Jack & Bobby - Am I the only person on the planet still watching this? Damn, Jack is fine. I think I�m most excited about this month�s 2 episodes with Tom Cavanagh as Grace�s brother. Marry me, Tom Cavanagh! What�s that? He just got married? Dammit!


- Survivor - This season is ridiculously boring, yet I keep watching. Next season should have a new rule about not being able to vote off all of the eye candy at the beginning. I still miss Brady. [sniff, sniff]
- Joey - A little uneven, but I�m giving it a shot.
- The O.C. - FINALLY. Welcome back, Mr. Brody. �What�s that?� �That�s me with powers.� Awesome.
- The Apprentice - You know, it�s kind of sad when Andy is the only person I�d consider hiring. Man, these people are unlikable. Oh, and idiots, too.

Friday & Saturday

- My other nights off!


- The Ellen Degeneres Show - So good.
- The Daily Show With Jon Stewart - (Mon. � Thur.) Consistently laugh-out-loud funny.

So that�s my exciting week. There are other shows that I�d like to add to the regular viewing schedule (Airport, Kevin Hill), but just can�t add anymore! I�d like to have some semblance of a life. On the plus side, I finally dropped Smallville this season after watching the first few episodes. I�m about one or two seasons too late in doing so, but it�s amazing what crap I can put up with when I get to look at Michael Rosenbaum and shirtless Welling every week.

So what are you guys watching? Hit up the comments! (C�mon, don�t make me look so sad here)

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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