Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-06-06 || Friday Five and Singawhores
It's Friday once again, time for another edition of the Friday Five. Let's roll....

1. How many times have you truly been in love?
Two. There�s no other fancy answer � just two.

2. What was/is so great about the person you love(d) the most?
Oh yeah, right. Do you have ten hours?. Seriously. Let�s just say he was the first and only person to make me feel like he�s my home.

3. What qualities should a significant other have?
This is such a general question. I�ll just answer in terms of what I want one to have � he has to be able to make me laugh. That�s all. Without that, it can�t ever be.

4. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
Possibly a smidgen. Never intentionally, but it happens to everyone.

5. If there was one thing you could teach people about love, what would it be?
I am not the person to ask. This isn�t something to teach people, just something I practice � when you have it, cherish every moment. You never know when life is going to happen and change things.

I actually did enjoy the questions this week, but let�s lighten things up a little, shall we? Further proof that Lucy and I really don�t have better things to talk about sometimes:

LUCY:What are people from Singapore called?


LUCY:Is that right, or are you guessing?

PAM:Total guess. Singapi?



LUCY:What did you say? Singapenis?

PAM:No, Singapese.

LUCY:Wait, Singapore is a country, right? It�s not part of something else, or a big city, right?

PAM:No, it�s a country. I know this from watching the Miss Universe Pageant.

LUCY:Oh yeah, Miss Singapore!

PAM:I�ve got it. They�re Singapeople!

LUCY:I�m sure that�s not right, but it�s the best one.

PAM:So that�s what they will be then.


PAM:Do you think slutty ones are called Singawhores?


PAM:You�re a dirty Singawhore.

LUCY:Right back at ya, you filthy Singawhore.


It is just so sad that probably more than half of my geographical knowledge comes from watching the Parade of Nations in the Miss Universe Pageant. And P.S. � after asking numerous people, including a Chinese man who didn�t know, I finally found out that they are indeed called Singaporeans. What a letdown. Singapeople!!!!!!

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2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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