Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-06-08 || More Adventures in Karaoke
Woo-to-the-hoo! I finally, finally, finally went back to that awesome Chinese restaurant for karaoke. It was different than the last time, but just as wonderful and bizarre. The first thing I noticed when we got there was the Sheriff was already there. His wife was still giving Lucy the evil eye. Luckily he didn't talk to us this time. But he got up and sang the first song and it was so bad that I wanted to stick needles in my eyes. I thought he was the so-called 'Sheriff of Country Music,' not the Sheriff of Pain. And he pretty much set the bar for the quality of most of the singers there last night. But I just love it there. The crowd is just so diverse and ripe for people-watching. And they're all very friendly, too. Everyone talks to everyone, and gives lots of love to the singers. Of course, those Chinese drinks and their 150% alcohol content probably help out greatly. Sadly, there was only one biker there last night. But what it lacked in bikers, it made up for in gym-teacher style lesbians and a table full of people straight out of Narnia or another strange land. There was 'Psycho-Mister Rogers,' as Lucy dubbed one guy, who just sang horribly in his little V-neck sweater. He was SO a science teacher by day. He had some pseudo-cool karaoke name that started with the phrase "Cell Phone," but I didn't catch what came after it. I think it was Bobby, but I'm not sure. In any case, Tool. He was sitting directly across from Elvis. His karaoke name was Elvis, he dressed like Elvis, he had Elvis hair and sideburns and liked to say "thankyouverymuch" and remind you to tip your friendly bartender, but then he had a random mustache. He also sang a Doors song every time he got up. WTF? It made NO sense. Elvis's other talent was playing air instruments to whatever song someone happened to get up and sing. I was fortunate enough to merit an Elvis synthesizer solo during my rendition of Journey's 'Separate Ways.' Others got air guitar and drums. That Elvis is an air instrument virtuoso! At one point he went out to his car and got a tambourine. A real one. Oh, and he overused that puppy. I think I was lucky enough during my second song, 'Fame,' because he put it down and was dancing all around and pointing. Oh, it was a scene. My friend's husband shut Elvis down when he went up to sing some Nat King Cole. He just turned to Elvis and said loudly into the microphone, "This is NOT a tambourine song." Ouch. Elvis, that is what they call a smackdown. It was awesome. While all of this is going on, I was busy dealing with some guy trying to pick me up. He was just, how can I put this? He was just...no. Just, no. NO. When I went up to sing, he grilled Lucy about me, wanting to know how old I was and when my birthday was, because he was an Aries. Ooookay. Then he asked her if I was married or had a boyfriend and said I was so nice. Then he said the one thing that caused Lucy to laugh for ten minutes non-stop - "She seems very shy." Me. Shy. Hee! Maybe he thought I was shy because whenever he talked to me, I would respond politely to whatever he said, but then not continue any conversation. It's called 'not interested', not shy. I just got up there and danced like an idiot while I sang. Yes, I'm veeeeery shy. Ass. He also sang the two songs that I'm sure would melt any girl's heart, 'Desperado' and that KISS classic, 'Beth.' AAUUGH! And he sang them poorly. Very. My brother said that Simon Cowell would have called his performances "dreadful." He said he had practiced 'Desperado' seven times that day. Man. I snuck out when we were leaving so I didn't have to say good-bye to him. But even with all of that, the place was just so bizarre, but so good. It's so hard to describe it, because it really is one of the places full of things you have to see to believe. Elvis sings the Doors. Lesbians like Jewel. A lot. Some drunk woman was yelling at me, "Pam, Save my life! SAVE MY LIFE!" I realized later that my t-shirt said "Rock And Roll Saves Lives," but then the drunk woman was yelling all kinds of things later anyway. I will save you, my drunken friend. In the Chinese restaurant bar, we are all brothers and sisters. I can't wait to see what is going on there the next time we go. Maybe I should suggest having some turtle racing going on. I would have to take up permanent residence. Have to.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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