Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-06-13 || Boys, Fake Plants, and Friday Three
I�m such an idiot.

I am one of the least shy people on the world when it comes to talking to guys, but sometimes I just have a problem with certain one. My life turns into a big �WHO THE HELL IS THIS GIRL SPEAKING THROUGH MY MOUTH?� I try to figure out how to stop making a fool out of myself, but sometimes that just makes it worse. Today I actually pretended to be watering a plant so I could talk to a guy. There I am in the lobby of my office building, holding a watering can that is not much bigger than my hand, trying to talk to a boy who looks like Gavin Rossdale. Sigh. We all know that plant watering = The Sexy. What is wrong with me? I really should think some things through before I do them sometimes. Now I can�t talk to this guy again. I think he may have seen me tear out of my office like a banshee and then saunter into the lobby when I saw him coming up the walk. Reeeaal smooth there, Pam. God, I hope he didn�t see that. It probably also doesn�t help that I decided to try to initiate contact with him yesterday by knocking on the window to wave when he came by. Of course, as soon as I saw his head start to turn I flung myself to the other side of the room in horror. My friend Dan was a witness to this, and he said it was the first time he�d ever seen me embarrassed. Well, it�s hard to get embarrassed when you have no shame. I even came up with the idea to flash a piece of paper in the window that said, �HI� the next time he came by. Am I really 12? I think so. Luckily I didn�t follow through with that plan. No, instead I pretended to be watering a plant that may or may not be plastic. Fan-freakin�-tastic.

Let�s move on to the Friday Five, shall we? I didn�t like a couple of the questions today, so we�re doing a Friday Three instead. Friday Three! Let�s roll�.

1. What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but never have?

I�ve always wanted to go to L.A. I haven�t been yet, for fear I won�t leave once I get there. Really.

2. If you could live in any fictional world (from a book/movie/game/etc.) which would it be and why?

Ooh, I like this one. It�s hard to answer, though. So many! I could be a Smurf and be surrounded by men�. Nah. 100 Acre Wood would be pretty good � I could date Christopher Robin. I don�t know, I think I�ll go with the Chocolate Factory in Willy Wonka. I�d live there.

3. What's one talent/skill you don't have but always wanted?

Tap dancing. Seriously.

Just a quick P.S. before I go � Bill, of Bill and Claire fame, called me the other night. Suddenly, he�s my new best pal. Do I want to do a show this fall? No! Noooooo! I�m going to kill Jerry. The one good thing I�m getting out of this is another video that I can use on the upcoming website. I still don�t think that makes up for the agony of hearing his voice on the other end of the phone. Not at all. Welcome to my world of absurdity. Have a seat.

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2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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