Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-07-09 || Hot Flash Gordon
WARNING TO MALE READERS: This entry contains words relating to �female problems,� such as �estrogen� and �period.� If you get squirmish hearing such words, feel free to skip today and come back tomorrow, when I may use more guy-friendly words and phrases, such as �beer,� �boobies,� and �trouser snake.�

Estrogen, I love you. Not in pill form, though. In patch form? You are a goddess. I loooove my estrogen patch, especially now that summer is here and I can laugh at all of the women at work complaining about hot flashes. Neener!

You see, last summer I finally had one of my dreams realized when I had a hysterectomy. I had wanted one for so long, and I finally convinced my doctors. Yay! There are also bonuses for being uterus-free: No more period at 27? Sweet. Never having to worry about birth control? Word. Getting thrown right into menopause? A bitch. Let�s just say this is the one minus in the equation. Man, that menopause is a cold-hearted beeeyotch, yo. Just you ladies wait. I had the pleasure of having it all come on at once instead of gradually, which is the natural and normal way. I also had the pleasure of being thrown into it right at the beginning of a summer which slapped us with heatwave after heatwave. Those hot flashes ain�t no joke, sister. Lordy, mama. It�s already 98 degrees outside with humidity up the wazoo and your body decides to set itself on fire. Always a pleasure. I had a little mini-fan on my desk at work, but I could have shoved it up my ass and spit it out of my mouth for all of the good it did me. One of my friends used to like to come near me when I was �flashing� because he thought it was so cool to feel the heat emanating off of my body. Feel this, oh penised one. I�m sure you�d think it was �so cool� to wake up next to me during one of my night sweats where I would wake up drenched. Soooo sexy, right there. I just remember waking up all the time and just yelling, �Ew!� That is, when I could sleep. Menopause-induced insomnia? Not a myth. Also? Not any fun. At all. Luckily, I only suffered from it a few times before I met my best friend, the patch. Those estrogen pills just weren�t cutting it, so after a few months I started on el patcho and have never looked back. I have not had one hot flash, night sweat, or night of insomnia since. It�s so beautiful in this ridiculously hot and humid weather not to want to rip off all of my clothes and dive into the Arctic Ocean for relief. I love you, patchy. If our love were made legal, I would marry you. I don�t even think we can run off to Vermont and do it yet. Soon, my friend. Soon.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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