Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-11-10 || I Need A Clock Around My Neck

Good Lord, it�s mid-November already? Geez, where did all of the last few weeks go? Let�s take a brief look and see how I�ve been spending some of my time to see if I can figure this out, shall we?

- The Play: That one�s an obvious one. That took up more time than expected.

- TV: Another obvious one, although I�ve had to squeeze in my shows here and there when I wasn�t rehearsing. I�m pretty much caught up on my weekly must-see shows, but I�m about two and a half weeks behind on my Ellen and Daily Show viewing. Any free moment I had after practicing, I was crashed out in front of my TV.

- The Boy: This may be the craziest one. I actually now have a b-b-b-b-�it�s so unnatural I can�t even say it. I have a b-b-b�a boyfriend! There, I said it. Phew. Also? Weird. I'm not used to having a real one of those. But he�s adorable and sweet, so things are going well there. He�s also quite young and is keeping this old woman up too late. I�m old!

- The Shouting: I think this is the one that is doing it. For some unknown reason, Jerry and I can NOT stop spontaneously shouting, �FLAVOR FLAV!� all day long. We�re both okay until we say it once. Then it�s downhill the rest of the day, because we simply can not stop. In fact, I feel the need to do it right now. FLAVOR FLAV!!! Oh my God, I just had to call Jerry and yell it to him over the phone. I was trying not to be too loud since I�m at work, and he was trying to muffle it back for the same reason, but we just couldn�t help it. Just try muffling the joyous shout of �FLAVOR FLAV!� It�s impossible! It also reduced me to a pile of uncontrollable laughter at my desk. Ah, how I love �Mr. F.� The poor kids today who just know him from The Surreal Life are truly missing out on the genius that is the video for 911 Is A Joke. When Flavor Flav is eating the lettuce? There�s not many visuals more entertaining than that. FLAVOR FLAV!!! I can�t stop! Help me! If you can�t help me, at least join me. C�mon, do it. It�s alarmingly fun. FLAVOR FLAV!!!

And I wonder where my time goes.

FLAVOR FLAV!!!!!!!!!!!

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Richard Marx
What? I�m not ashamed! His greatest hits CD ROCKS. And the man is like a fine wine with the way he has aged. Damn, he looked good on Ellen a few weeks back. And you�ve got to give props to a guy who quits recording and touring for several years so he can spend time helping to raise his kids. Now he�s back and looking hotter than ever. For crying out loud, the guy could even rock a mullet back in the day. Rock on, Richard. And come over and sing Hold on to the Night to me. [swooooooooon]

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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