Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-09-04 || 7 Reasons Why I Love 'Grease 2'
I love Grease 2.

I'm not ashamed. It's one of those movies like Xanadu that is just part of your cheesy childhood and sometimes you can't help but love, no matter how bad the movie may be. But Grease 2 is such a classic film in so many ways that I could never consider it bad. It rules. Around the time when I was in fifth grade, Grease 2 was shown on cable after school ALL the time. (I wasn't one of those kids who stayed after school for activities. "You want me to do what when?? Santa Barbara is on!" It's nice to know I've still kept my priorities about some things) Anyway, you couldn't get away from the movie. It was the new Midnight Madness for me. And of course, I had to watch it every time it was on. I can still practically recite the whole thing. I'm not sure if that would ever make a good party trick, but I've got it, just in case. You never know when someone might want to see a performance. Anyhoo, without further ado, here are some of the reasons why I love, love, love Grease 2:

1. Michelle Pfeiffer - She may be embarrassed by this movie now, but to me and my friends, she was a goddess. To me, she still is, but to a 10 year-old girl, Stephanie Zinone was the coolest woman on the planet. We all wanted to be her. All of our Barbies were suddenly named 'Stephanie' and 'Michelle' in her honor. I wanted to eat a hamburger like her just because she looked so damn cool doing it. She wore pants to school and hid them under her skirt! How cool is that? Come on now. She kicked little Sandy's ass in every way. The pinnacle, however, had to be Cool Rider. Oh. My. God. My friends and I still pull out the dance moves every now and then. I'll lean back and hunch down a little while hopping forward with the jazz hands going by my side. There's also the monumental top of the ladder straddle move. Cool Rider was just THE moment in the movie for us. What was better than that? Just give me a black motorcycle with a man growing out of the seat, baby.

2. The Cheesy Songs - Namely, Let's Do It For Our Country. What a lovely little patriotic ditty. Hey baby, I might be going off to fight in a horrible war, so why don't you sexily wrap my head up in some gauze before you give me a little somethin' somethin' to remember you by? Oh wait, did I forget to tell you that I made that whole thing up about the war so I could trick you and get in your pants? I'm sorry baby, it must be the T-Bird in me.

3. Did I mention the cheesy songs? - I have but one word for you - Reproduction. Everyone now! "Reproduction, (reproduction!) Baby, give it to me now...." A whole song of sexual innuendos hidden behind the sex lives of flowers. "Where does the pollen go?" Pure genius.

4. You get to make fun of Maxwell Caulfield! - Who in the world picked this guy as the leading man? For one thing, he looked about 35. Even Frenchie looked younger than him, and she was clearly 40. I'll give him younger than Crater Face, but that's not saying much. Then he had to go and sing that crap 'Charade' song. I had a tape of all of the songs from the movie that I made by holding my tape recorder up to the TV - that was the one song I left out. It is truly the low point of the movie. Stephanie definitely needed a more kick-ass guy.

5. The High School Talent Show - Lucy always loves to sing, "We're goin' prowlin'" when we go out. I have to shout back, "The T-Bones. 'T-BIRDS!'" But that is not the part of the talent show I'm talking about. What girl from my generation didn't want to perform I'll Be Your Girl For All Seasons at her school talent show?? Some of them actually did at mine. You gotta love the big dramatic ending when it segues into that whole 'Turn Back the Hands of Time' song. "Oh no, look at Stephanie, I think she forgot the words!" It was the horror of all horrors for Sharon, probably even worsened by the fact that Stephanie took over the stage and ended up winning the grand prize of all of those record albums all by herself. Scandal!

6. There is no flying car at the end of the movie - Just a big ol' luau that gets interrupted by a rowdy motorcycle gang. Man, my high school never had ANYTHING like that. We also didn't spontaneously break into song and choreographed dance at my high school, but I'm pretty sure that's a good thing.

7. Adrien Zmed - 'Nuff said.

These are only a few of the numerous reasons to love Grease 2, but I'd be going on all night. If you haven't seen it in a while, gather up some girlfriends and pop it in. I guarantee a good time will be had by all. How can you not love a movie with a big musical number in a bowling alley? "We're gonna sco-o-ore tonight!"

By the way, I finally got around to getting a guestbook. Click on the link at the bottom of the page if you want to leave any comments. Thanks!

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Brandon Boyd
This Incubus frontman has it all - scrawny, gorgeous, goofy, intelligent AND musical. Word. His performance on their live DVD concert reduces me to a pile of jell-o.

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