Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-08-23 || JournalCon 2004!

So yeah, JournalCon.

Here's the short version: I met a bunch of fun and nice people - a lot of them very briefly who I just never got around to talking to more for one reason or another, and also some who nicely allowed me to be a fan girl for a moment or two to just get it out of my system. I was planning on doing a long and descriptive log of all of the events of the weekend, but now I just say, "Screw it. Wanna see some pictures?" I meant to take a lot more pictures, but hey. Maybe I'll get ambitious and throw in a few stories to make up for it. Shall we?

I know I mentioned this in my teaser entry yesterday (which is actually home to my 3 favorite pictures from the weekend so go there first if you haven't seen them), but I must say it again - word to Sassy for being the best JournalCon buddy and havoc-wreaking partner I could ask for. Deciding to meet up with her before the trip so I'd know more than one person there was the best decision I've made all year. Kisses, girl! Anyway, let's begin with the obligatory big-blue-chair-in-front-of-the-hotel picture:

There were two of the chairs and I saw numerous people having their pictures taken in them over the course of the weekend. They were the equivalent of the iron dog at the local zoo that everyone has to have a picture of themselves sitting on. "Look at me, I'm riding a dog!"

Actually, let me get all of the hotel pictures out of the way first. I spared you most of them (although I must say, quite a funky joint), but here's my mini-bar and the greatest table ever made:

I ate the Pop Rocks. I had to.

Lucy saw a picture of the table and immediately yearned. I second the yearning.

Here's Pratt and Sassy the first night with their Journalcontinis. Pratt was nice as could be and never once backhanded me for randomly shouting, "Blog of Pratt!" all night.

Ah, the lovely Monarch Novelties, the place where Sassy and I almost died. I wish this picture did it more justice. It was creeptastic. Those are large carnival-style stuffed animals that were in plastic bags in the front window. Sassy and I took one look at the place and knew we HAD to go in. I was even more excited by a list on the window of some of the items that they carried. "Look, rain bonnets!" There was a sign on the door that read, "Ring Bell," but the door seemed to open perfectly fine when we went in. Emphasis on the "seemed" there as Sassy and I realized that we were actually buzzed in when we heard the door shut and lock behind us. That is just never a good sign, y'all. Anyway, we were immediately met with a shifty old man who snarled at Sassy, "Cen I help yar?" She politely said that we were just looking around, which we did for about two minutes. The store had a charming moldish, musty, grandma's-old-slippers scent to it, and most of the merchandise looked like it was from the early seventies. Actually, some of it was as we ran across some old Presidential campaign buttons. But it was just too skeevy to stay in there any longer. It was tiny and there were only two aisles. When we rounded the second, I looked up to see the creepy old man peering down from the other end, watching our every move. I just kept waiting for him to yell, "Bring out the gimp!" It reminded me WAY too much of that. Finally, we quickly yet casually made our way to the exit, only to find that we also had to be buzzed OUT. I wanted to take a shower for days after that.

Here are the lovely Petrouchka and Minarae who were fun and happy and nice enough to show us their King Casbah room after we lamented the fact that our Double Queen rooms lacked the Pimp Bed. The Pimp Bed, of course, we heard about after seeing the infamous Best. Diagram. Ever. by the fabulous Montykins.

Here's me and Sassy with our other at-home neighbor Shmuel, who you may remember from our adventure in karaoke. I also remember Shmuel from yelling, "You abandoned me!" after I snuck out of the open readings to go to the bathroom and ran into people and never made it back. Sorry I missed your reading, buddy!

Chauffi brought what is being considered as possibly the best swag, especially since Sassy got a Dirty Sanchez soldier in her set.

And speaking of swag, my sock monkey, Tim, made a brief appearance in the hospitality suite where he was rewarded with one of Weetabix's glo-stick necklaces. That's Angeline, Molly Tenyu, and Monty hanging with the sock. (Thanks Angeline for the tip on the Worst. CD. Ever. You rock!)

What's better than a restaurant that gives you your check in a red high-heeled shoe? Nothing, I tell you. Nothing.

Here's Sassy with KarenD, quilter extraordinaire. She may be the friendliest person on the face of the earth.

Oh, that's right. There were panels. I think I remember going to three and a half of them. Here's a picture from my favorite one, presented by Suzy Smith, TranceJen, and Weetabix and moderated by mo pie. They served mimosas and gave out candy - what more can you ask for? I do love me some mimosas.

Fan Girl Time! Here's Sassy and me fawning over a drunken Weetabix, who was just as lovely and awesome in person as we imagined.

If it's Saturday night, then it's time for the fishnets. That's me and mo pie, who was all punk rock and won with her accidental hole in her stockings.

Speaking of mo pie, here she is with me and Sassy, working the stage at the Titan Bar.

Sassy and Science Girl, who was lovely and I wished I had gotten a chance to talk to more.

Another Fan Girl pic! Here's Sassy and me with the one and only TranceJen and Chauffi. Bonus points to Chauffi for shouting, "You guys look HOT!!" to us earlier in the night. And let me also just say that TranceJen was awesome and super-nice, even after I fawned.

This one's just for Pratt, for he loves the bunnies.

I told Chiara that I was sorry, but Pimp Hands just had to be done. Pimp Haaaaaands!!!

Random Sunday morning mingling in the hospitality suite. The webcam is back in the corner. I may or may not have kept putting my boobs up to it Friday night.

Sassy's DISGUSTING looking "tuna sub with no cheese" from Yum's. How is that tuna? Also? Ew.

Sassy and I had the good fortune of running into Chauffi and Weetabix for a relaxing and enjoyable Sunday morning coffee break.

And finally, here we are hanging out with Montykins the first night. (That's dlishtrish on the couch in back) This picture was taken a little while before what became my favorite part of the trip. Not long after this picture, Trish took off for parts unknown and our camera-shy photographer (and TWoP recapper - an A+ in my book to begin with) Strega joined me on the couch and the four of us just sat and talked about anything and everything. (The Award for Best Use of Wireless Internet Access Goes to Montykins and his fancy and trusty phone. MONTY: What was Brett Somers even famous for? PAM: She was married to someone famous. MONTY: Who? PAM: I can't remember! MONTY: Let's check the map! [tickity-tick-tick] Jack Klugman! PAM: Yes! [Seriously, that would have plagued me]) Anyway, it was just what I came to JournalCon for - meeting up with people that you immediately click with (and would most likely hang out with in everyday life if they lived closer) and being able to talk about pop culture and other nonsense and just laugh and have a great time. Being able to just sit around, relax, and discuss such things as Brett Somers, Charles Nelson Reilly, Laff-a-Lympics, Emo Philips, Reasons Why Josie and the Pussycats is a better cartoon than Scooby Doo (for example, Josie and the Pussycats never needed Tim Conway's help to solve any mysteries. Well played, Montykins), Jeff Speakman, and Bananas Magazine is the idea of a perfect night for me. Great company, great conversation, and a lot of laughs - that's what I came for. For that, JournalCon (and Sassy, Monty and Strega) I thank you.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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