Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-10-02 || Pimp it, Ladies! Take it off, Welling!
Word to the Jennifers.

My girls randommuse and just--jenn are helping to pimp me out as well as looking for their own men. Ladies, I think we need to join together. We could be like the 3 Musketeers or Charlie's Angels! We'd be cooler, though. We can hook each other up - I got your backs, ladies. Woo! Ooh, can I wear vinyl pants and have a cool name? Woo!


If you don't watch Ed or Smallville, you can just skip this next part. Wait, if you don't watch Ed, which a lot of people don't - you're totally missing one of the most consistently entertaining shows on television. Shame on you! Seriously, it's just a really good hour of television that just has never caught on for some reason. It's soooo good. Okay, I'm done. I'll step down from my Ed soapbox now. Wait, before I do, did I mention that Tom Cavanagh is looking stacked this year? Whew! Someone has been to the gym. Speaking of stacked, let's move right on to Smallville and last night's season premiere. You know, I put up with a lot of cheese from this show and I accept it and enjoy it, but c'mon now - things are just getting a little ridiculous. Hi, Jump the Shark? I think we have a new entry entitled "Lex on a ridiculously fake-looking desert island." Now I'm all about the shirtless Lex, but those scenes were just laughable, and not in the good way. Aside from Papa Luthor, the whole episode was pretty much a disappointment. Well, except for one other thing. Tom Welling in his longer hair? YUM. Holy Shnikes! Rowr. Damn! He-llo. Tom Welling with his longer, sexy hair ripping open his shirt to reveal a ripped bod and ridiculously dented pelvis? Yeah, that's me on the floor panting. Thank you, thank you, thank you for at least having the sense to put that in the episode. Please put scenes like that in more episodes. As a matter of fact, why don't you just make the whole show center around Clark walking around with no shirt and low-rise jeans on? The ratings would be through the roof! You might want to wait until I fulfill that boy thing that I was talking about earlier, though. I may need someone to take out my, um, energy on after watching that for an hour. Phew. Damn, now I have to clean up the drool. Damn you, Welling!

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Jon Stewart
I share this boyfriend with many, but that's okay by me. We've had a relationship ever since his MTV show with that weird sidekick. Harry? Harold? Herman? What was his name? In any case, the boy makes me laugh. Me like. Me going to see him the end of October. NYC, look out.

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2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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