Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-10-03 || Ring The Alarm - And I'm Throwin' Elbows....
I kinda want to be a fake whore now.

Okay, I'll just come out with it. I was kind of curious, so I bought Christina Aguilera's Stripped CD. I bought it online so as to preserve my anonymity and avoid mocking, but it turns out the CD is surprisingly pretty effing good. Who knew? Sure, it's got a few songs I could do without, but I think 4 so-so tracks out of 16 ain't too shabby. You go, Christina. Oh, wait...Xtina. No, I refuse to call her that. I'll give props to the CD, but I have to draw the line somewhere. The CD kind of reminds me of an old school Mariah CD, back in the day when she didn't suck and she wore clothes. (Albums 1-3) But now that I've been listening and grooving to Aguilera, some of the songs make me want to get out there and be all fake whore-y. I want to get mine, you get yours. I want to get dirty, but only with one 'r.' I want to come out at the end of 'Lady Marmalade' and kick everyone else's ass. And I want to wear assless chaps! Wait, no. I take that last one back. Sorry, I don't know what came over me. Maybe I should take a break from the CD and listen to some of my more embarrassing ones. (There are MANY.)


Earlier today, I was in someone's office at work and Meatloaf started playing on the radio. I just started laughing and laughing and tried to tell my friend why, but he didn't get it. A few years ago my friend Kevin would occasionally go out and do what he called "Loafing." He and a friend would go to a pool hall and right before they were leaving they would load up the jukebox with money and just keep programming in and repeating the longest and most annoying Meatloaf songs ever made. Then they would flee. I think it's pure genius. Those poor people were stuck there listening to an hour's worth of 'I Would Do Anything For Love...But I Won't Do That' and other equally cringe-worthy power ballads on a continuous loop. It sort of makes me shake my fist and wish I had thought of something as deliciously evil as that. Loafing.


In other news, the girls and I are still trying to come up with a name for our superhero squad that we formed yesterday. If it doesn't rain tomorrow night, I'm going to head out and do some scoping for us at a local sports bar. I'm in New England and the Red Sox are actually in the playoffs? Boys are crawling out from under rocks everywhere to watch the games, even if they've never seen one before. That place is going to be wall-to-wall men. And I'm going to be in my personal heaven. [sigh] I'll be on the lookout for you ladies. Oh, and on a total side note, I finally got to see Bend it Like Beckham tonight. Kick ass movie. Lost in Translation is on tap for tomorrow, and I've heard nothing but good things about it, so this should be a pretty good movie weekend. Woo! I'll be spending the rest of my time updating my sock site, and trying to flesh out the play outline, all the while trying to feel better. Woo! Have a fun weekend - loaf some people for me!

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: John Henson
I'm going a little old school on this one. What has happened to my dear, beloved Skunk Boy? He got all of those sweet development deals when he left Talk Soup and was never heard from again. [sniff, sniff] I've also never been able to watch Talk Soup without him. Sorry, Hal and Aisha. Come back, Johnny boy!

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2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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