Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-10-06 || The Weirdo Loser Magnet Pulls Another One In
My brother always said I was a weirdo-loser magnet. [sigh]

I got asked out today. Normally, this would be an occasion to say "Woo!" but this particular guy causes more of an "Oh, dear" or an "Ew!" And I wouldn't even think of pimping this guy to my partners in crime, Just--Jenn and randommuse. [Hey ladies, can I add an extra bonus to my long list of things I want in a guy? This is not a requirement, but I kind of like it when I'm driving and a guy gets out to pump my gas. I don't know why, it's just one of those things.] Anywho, the ask-out today was very bizarre. My boss's daughter brought the guy into where I work. I wasn't introduced to him, nor did I make eye contact or even speak to him. Yet about two hours later my boss's daughter calls me from her cell phone while she's with him and says that he thought I was a "hottie" and wanted to know if I wanted to go out with him sometime. Way to put me on the spot there. Sheesh! There are far too many to list, so let me just tell you a few of the reasons why this guy is not for me:

#1. He had on a tank top and suspenders. That right there is grounds for a 'no.' I guess he's kind of a punk guy, but really. Suspenders and a tank top? Not exactly impressing me.

#2. He looks like Vince Vieluf. That's not really a good thing in my book.

#3. This is the only thing my boss had to say about him: "I think he's the one that pierced my daughter's nipples." I wonder if that's a first date activity?

#4. He had bad tattoos. Now I'm not anti-tattoos on guys at all - sometimes they can look really hot. But this guy had just really bad tattoos. They were just blue and looked all scratched up. No pictures, just random words. And the tattoos looked like he did them himself, like the guy in Memento. But they weren't half as nice and he wasn't even close to half as good looking as Guy Pearce.

#5. He's 25, has no job or no plans really to get a job, and he hangs out with high schoolers. I think that pretty much sums it all up there.

So yeah, that's what's liking me these days. I like that he's 25, but that's about it. Also, he's been hanging out with my boss's daughter since she was 13 - when he was 21. Something's a little off there. I could go on, but I think you get the picture. Ack. No thanks.

Sadly, I didn't get to go out and cruise the boys at the sports bars this weekend as planned. I got a visit Saturday morning from the head cold from hell, so I pretty much crashed over the weekend. "You want more than 4 hours of sleep? NEVER! You want to breathe from your nose? THINK AGAIN, BITCH. I'm the head cold from hell! Mwaahahaha!" Ugh. Thankfully, my church boyfriend TB wasn't there this week so I didn't have a chance to shake his hand with my clammy mitts. Hey baby, how are y...aaaahhhcchooo!! Aww yeah. Because you know, spraying snot all over a guy is The Sexy. Mmm hmmm.

I'm off to bed now, but in closing, I want to share my friend Jerry's response to my date invitation - "What have you got to lose?" My perfectly intact nipples, that's what.

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Giovanni Ribisi
I've loved this little guy ever since he was billed as "Vonni" Ribisi on My Two Dads. Nice to see him back on the scene again in Lost in Translastion and on Friends. Adorable....

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