Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-10-07 || Saturday Night Live - Boo! Fat Camp Movies - Woo!
Will Ferrell, you are a dirty tease!

Oh, Saturday Night Live, what has happened to you this last year? [sniff, sniff] We had something good there for a while, baby, but then you just started acting different. You were more distant, not as carefree and joyous. Ah, frig it, you just stopped being funny. Was it something I said? Did I do something to upset you? Do you not like my ass? What, what was it???? Oh yeah, Will Ferrell left and then the show pretty much went to shit. [sigh] You know I still love you baby, but you need to get an everyman. You need a Hartman, a Ferrell, something! I'd even settle for a Myers or a Carvey. And seriously? You had how many months to come up with good material for the season premiere and THAT is what you came up with??? Oh dear. 'Weekend Update' is even starting to lose its luster. When you are used to such things as The Daily Show now, other fake news shows just don't have a chance. Sorry, babes. But I'll still hold on for a while because I've loved you so much in the past. I'm even willing to overlook the fact that this week's host AND musical guest is Justin Timberlake. (Ooh, I think I just vomited. Nope, just some minor gagging. Ack, is that cat hair? Wait, I don't have a cat.) Ahem. Where was I? Oh yes. Lorney baby, call up Christopher Walken, Alec Baldwin, and Tom Hanks and get their asses hosting toot sweet. And for the love of God, please don't taunt us with a brief Will Ferrell appearance during the monologue if he's not going to be in any other parts of the show. That's just cruel, yo. Harsh!

And one last thing - I noticed there are 3 new featured players, one of which is Kenan of 'Kenan and Kel' fame. Pretending that I don't know that the film Good Burger exists, this could be a good thing for two reasons: 1. For the 3 minutes he was actually on last week's show, he was pretty good. Homeboy does a mean Bill Cosby. 2. He was in Heavyweights. Need I say more? Well yes, let me explain. I am woman enough to admit that I love, love, love that movie. If you don't remember it from the title, it's the Disney movie about the kids at fat camp. Now I must also say that you have to watch this movie with certain things in mind to be able to properly enjoy it. First of all, skip the first and last ten minutes of the movie. That's where all the standard schmaltzy Disney-stuff occurs. Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah, family fun! Whatever. Screw all of that. Just focus on the movie from the time Ben Stiller shows up on screen to the time when he exits about 10 minutes before the end. He is the entire movie. It was early on in Ben's career so it wasn't advertised with any indication that he was in it. It was after his TV shows (Remember his MTV show? Also, I love you, Cape Munster.) I just happened to run across this little gem of a movie on cable one day myself. But it is pure Stiller genius. He plays a crazed weight loss infomercial host, and since this is a Disney movie, he gets to play it gleefully over the top which totally works in this case. I try to tell people this and get them to watch it, but people fear the Heavyweights. Face your fears! If you do, think of me when you hear this, "Attention campers: Lunch has been cancelled due to lack of hustle. Deal with it." Bless you, Ben Stiller.
(Hey Ben, remember when you were a featured player but were never really on SNL all that much? Then you went and got your own show that was a lot funnier - maybe you could give the folks at SNL some tips. Or at least send them Bob Odenkirk. Thanks, buddy. Are you listening, Michaels? Have you called Walken yet??)

Speaking of TV suckage, am I the only one who watched Tarzan and didn't find it to be all that bad? Wait, am I the only one who watched it? I am? Okay, never mind then. But hey, it wasn't all that bad. Maybe it's because I had such low expectations for it that it seemed to be pretty decent. Or maybe it was all that shirtless Travis Fimmel clouding my head. And Jane? She looks WAY too old for him. Tarzan should come and sniff me instead. Yes. Yes.

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Dalton Ross
I know he may not be a 'celebrity' or even known to most people, but his 'What to Watch' column in Entertainment Weekly has me roaring every week. You know how I am with the funny guys, y'all.

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