Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-10-08 || Some Woos, Some Hees, & Some Hope
Woo! Hee! Did I mention Woo?!

What a weird freakin' day. But a good one. Shall I? It all began this morning when I went to Starbucks, but that's a rant I'll save for another time. Then, this afternoon I was making a pee stop after lunch and noticed this strange thing sitting on top of the little feminine hygiene goodies disposal bucket in the bathroom stall. At this point I'm already whizzing so I couldn't just get up and flee in horror. But this thing - it was a strand of braided/dreaded/nappy hair that was curled in half. It must have been about 4 inches long, and it was just N-A-S-T-Y nasty! Add this to the fact that I work in a welfare office and we sometimes have some questionable people using that bathroom - I was creeped out. I don't know where it came from, and even though it probably did, that thing didn't look like it came from someone's head, if you know what I'm saying - and I think you do. Ew!!!!! Then, for some reason, I find this thing to be so utterly hysterical that I double over from laughter. It was a whole gross-funny hybrid thing. So of course, I had to go and grab a co-worker who would appreciate such a thing. I brought her into the bathroom unaware of what she was going to be looking at, and we were just both alternating between 'Ew!' and 'Hee!' We were going to leave it on a friend's desk but neither one of us would go near the thing to transport it. We now have bets over whether or not the cleaning crew will dispose of it tonight. I kinda hope it's still there tomorrow just because I find it so strangely amusing. But then again, ew!

After that fiasco, I was looking for something near our copy machine and noticed this box of books to give away. Right on the top was a book called "How to Marry the Man of Your Choice." According to the cover, the book guarantees results within two years or your money back! As soon as I saw the picture of the author, I snatched it up. My friend Ted saw her picture and asked, "Is that the husband or the wife?" Oh yes, it looks that good, folks. That's just a comedy goldmine right there. As soon as I finish one of the three books I'm currently reading, I will check this thing out and give you some wise tips from the masters every now and then. I'm sure the advice won't live up to the gems that morganzola stumbled upon with 1963's The Seventeen Book of Etiquette and Entertaining, but I'm sure I can find a few pearls in there somewhere. Stay tuned.

Last, but definitely NOT least - I met a boy today. No, no, I met a ma-an. We only chatted briefly, and I don't know if anything will come of it, but I'm hoping it does. Remember what I said last week about not really wanting a man? Yeah, scratch that. I knew I'd get over that when I found one that piqued my interest. So we'll see. If nothing, it was still nice to get that warm and giddy feeling after meeting him. It was very welcome. Very. I realized that I haven't been really happy in a looong time, and it was nice to see that return. Here's to hoping it stays for a while. Woo!

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Edward Norton
Adorable and an amazing actor. I don't think he needs any more explanation than that. Well, maybe just these two more words: Fight Club.

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2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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