Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-10-14 || Get Really Hammered & Sickled!
A taste worth standing in line for!

Pam's adventures in weird soda continued this weekend with my consumption of Leninade. It bills itself as a "surprisingly satisfying simple Soviet style soda." I really don't know where my friend Jerry finds these things. It's just a sort of carbonated pink lemonade thing, but it was actually good. It was certainly a hell of a lot better than that beast Cel-Ray. I love the packaging of the Leninade, though. It's got a cartoon picture of Lenin swigging a bottle of the stuff, and it has this gem of a tagline - "Get really hammered and sickled!" Awesome. The label also contains this random warning: "Beware the repressed Communist party animal who is really a Proletarian in denial masquerading as a Bourgeois cold war monger!" Yes, I'll make sure to do that, Mr. Leninade. Thank you for the warning. I always follow any advice given to me by my soda. It is the fool who does not harken to the wise musings of his soda bottle. Or something.


Kill Bill rocked.


In other news, WAAAAHHH! That's my complaint for the day. Things don't look so good with the new ma-an now and I was surprisingly disheartened by all of it. I guess I kinda liked this one. You see? This is why I like to have fake boyfriends. It sure saves me from a lot of disappointment and gloom. Did I mention WAAAAHH!?


Today's final randomness is a great new code that Lucy and I have come up with. We were talking about someone we know recently getting it on with a guy. His child was home at the time, so he went and told the child that he and the girl were going to "have a talk" so they wouldn't be disturbed. Now Lucy and I have decided that we need to say that to each other when we're out. "I'd like to have a talk with him." "Yes, I imagine he'd be a fine conversationalist." You get the drill. But this being me and Lucy, we have to take the joke and go running with it until it is beaten into the ground miles under any deceased equines. For proof of this, I give you part of an exchange we had today:

Pam: I told [lucky boy] that we thought he'd be a good conversationalist. Of course, he said he'd like to have a conversation with both of us at the same time.
Lucy: Typical guy.
Pam: I asked him if we'd have to talk to each other and he said no. He then added that we could leave a message with each other if we wanted.
Lucy: Ew! Wait, what does that mean?
Pam: I have no idea.
Lucy: In his dreams.
Pam: Word.
Lucy: I bet he knows a lot of adverbs, though.
Pam: What does that even mean?
Lucy: I don't know, but it sounded good. I bet he has a nice and long dangling participle.
Pam: Hee!
Lucy: Woo!
Pam: I'd like to have a nice run-on sentence with him.
Lucy: What??
Pam: I don't want no fragments, I want the long run-on, baby.
Lucy: A complex sentence with lots of prepositional phrases?
Pam: Double spaced, fool.
Lucy: He's Mr. Webster and I want to read his dictionary....
Pam: Oh man, we're really reaching now.
Lucy: Who's your Webster?!
Pam: Hee!
Lucy: I think our high point was 'dangling participle' and it all just went downhill from there. I'm still trying to figure out what 'leave a message' means.
Pam: Hey Lucy....
Lucy: What?
Pam: Who's your Webster???

P.S. Go Sox!

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day - Obscure Edition: Adrien Ross Magenty
He played 'Tibby' in Howards End. Quite adorable and quite British - deadly combo. Don't even get me started on Tibby, though. One of my college professors remembers be as the girl who was angered by Tibby's unexplained disappearance from both the movie and novel. He would mention it to me every semester, and again when I ran into him a few years after I graduated. And I'm still angry about it. BUT WHAT HAPPENED TO TIBBY???

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