Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2005-04-14 || Pondering About...License To Drive?

Some days it�s just a good thing to have nothing to do at work, so you can spend your time asking yourself random questions. Today I learned the answer to a question that has been plaguing me for a while now. Today�s topic of in-head questioning involved DVD releases, and started out with an out-of-the-blue �Why isn�t License to Drive out on DVD yet?� This was answered with, �Yeah, why not? And what about MTV�s Half Hour Comedy Hour when Anthony Clark was actually funny? I can probably still recite the bit where he talks about Evel Knievel looking for a license plate with his name on it when he was little. MTV will never release that, will they? I wonder if anyone else is even wondering about this. If so, is their next question about MTV Sports?� (y�all, my head is a scary place sometimes) This pondering took place while washing my hands in the bathroom, which is where all great ideas come from, isn�t it? (And really, my question all day today should have been, �Why am I at work when I should be at a taping of The Late Show With David Letterman?� Answer: Because you don�t have enough vacation time to include Star Wars and your trip to L.A. next month, dumbass. Why didn�t you save a day???? Now your mother has your ticket and she�s probably covering her ears and scrunching up her nose while Mariah is singing.) ANYway � I came back to my desk and jumped online to check out the latest DVD releases, and what should appear to my wandering eyes but a May 3, 2005 release for License to Drive! (Cue angelic trumpets) However, with this glorious revelation comes the inevitable fear that comes with Movies That I Loved When I Was In Junior High � what if the movie doesn�t hold up now that I�m no longer 14? Oh, how I�ve had this happen to me many a time. I�m all excited to see a movie that I haven�t seen in years, but used to love so much, and when I do finally watch it � well, it sucks. It�s truly a sad day when that happens, which is why I�m a little worried about the License to Drive (as opposed to Dream a Little Dream, which sucked even then and which I still don�t completely understand).

The main thing that concerns me about License to Drive is the fact that I was watching it with completely biased eyes when I was younger, for I was a Haim-Lover to the max. But now that Corey Haim�s incoherent rambling in his E! True Hollywood Story has permanently scarred my memory, I don�t know how well the movie will hold up. I think it will make it, though, because I remember seeing a little bit of it a few years ago while I was working for the cable company. There were TVs all around us in the call center, and on one slow Saturday we ran across License to Drive on the TV above my desk. I just remember all of the people who sat around me staring up at the TV, transfixed. I also believe that some of us were shouting quotes from the movie along with the dialogue, so I think all will be well when I watch it again. (�The DMV giveth, and the DMV taketh away!�)

There is another movie that I�m going to watch soon that concerns me, though: Watcher in the Woods. Does anyone remember this? It was Disney�s big horror movie. I think we watched this and Annie at every birthday party I went to during the 4th-6th grades. I don�t remember much about the movie except for the scene on the bridge and the one with all of the mirrors at the end. Well, that and the fact that Bette Davis creeped me the HELL out. Poor Jerry is going to rue the day that he received a year�s membership to Netflix as a gift, because I keep making him rent all movies that I want. I don�t know how I talked him into Watcher in the Woods, but it�s in the queue and coming soon! I�m pretty sure this one isn�t going to hold up (much like Midnight Madness didn�t), but we�ll see. I�m just curious to see how I feel about Bette Davis these days.

Hmmm�what other much-loved movies can I dig up from my younger days? Hit up the comments or sign the guestbook with any suggestions! Now, if you�ll excuse me, I must go pre-order some Haim and Feldman madness. �Mercedes Lane�.�

Recommended DVD Pre-Order of the Day: Gilmore Girls, Season 3.
Comes out the same day as License to Drive! Come for the Lorelai, stay for the Adam Brody.

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2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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