Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-09-28 || Listen To Your Loins....

Why must I always look like an ass in pictures that we're sending to the newspaper? Here's a partial cast photo for the new play:

I think it is utterly beyond my control to NOT look like a fool in situations like this. Something completely takes over my body and makes it pose like that. Gah.

I don't really have time for a proper entry tonight, but stay tuned for details about my viewing of what has been dubbed "The Worst Public Access Show of All Time" by someone who watches a LOT of bad public access. Oh yes, it was that bad. And oh, so good. All I'll say for now is that it involves someone named Poppa Pie. Yes, Poppa Pie. I shall leave you with that as well as some highlights from some recent conversations that have made me laugh out loud:

purplecigar: Hey!

Pam: So how is your yummy son?

purplecigar: I can't believe you wrote that - michael jackson.

Oops! Yeah, turns out he's only 15. They've got to at least have a license for me. purple, when does he start driving? Tell him to call me!


(And, since I don't bag myself or my friends with stuff like this, the parties involved in the next conversation will have aliases)

Millie: I slept with Percy.

Franny: Yeah, but you're past that now. It's been months - time to move on and erase that.

Millie: No, I mean just now.

Franny: WHAT??!! How did that happen?

Millie: Why do I listen to my loins?

Franny: (laughing hysterically)

Millie: What?

Franny: Who says 'loins'?

Millie: (laughing) Tarzan? I don't know! My loins were calling! I have to answer them! You don't just put them on hold.

Franny: Why yes, Millie, your looooiiiinnns cannot be put on hold.

Millie: What?

Franny: Looooiiiiinnnns....

Loins - hee!

CD Pick of the Day: Green Day, American Idiot
My boyfriend Bille Joe is back with a kickass punk opera. Just give track #4 a listen - you'll be hooked.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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