Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-11-07 || Loverboy and Lists
Ooh, I just had a total Patrick Dempsey flashback moment.

The cutest pizza boy just delivered to my house. I wish I was one of those women who could just lustily ask him if he'd like to come inside and get his "tip," but alas, I am not. I do think I'm going to have to order pizza a little bit more frequently now. Hey, a little eye candy never hurt anyone.

I have a karaoke story on its way, but I'm too lazy tonight, so I'm going to steal from my girl seussie and do this fun little list instead:

09 things you're looking forward to:

- Christmas

- Josh Groban's new CD on Tuesday

- The next Uno Attack! game night

- The Christmas party that I was invited to today that's happening on December 6th. It's at the financial company next door - home of beautiful men and past fake boyfriends.

- Popping in my Strangers With Candy Season 2 DVD tonight

- The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Stop looking at me like that. I like it.

- Going to see Elf tomorrow.

- Jon being booted off of Survivor. Lucy and I were watching it together last night, and every time he came on we would scream and threaten his life.

- The Simpsons season premiere on Sunday. FINALLY. Treehouse of Horror SO doesn't count.

08 things you like to wear:

- Any of my 15 pairs of sneakers

- Jeans, jeans, jeans

- My kick-ass black boots, affectionately known as my "hooker boots"

- My smiling skull shirt

- "The dress"

- My schoolgirl skirts. (naughty!)

- Mascara. I never liked it before, but I've been wearing it for the past 2 months and I'm digging it.

- My "Survivor Jon Sucks" t-shirt. Oh wait, I don't have one. Yet.

07 things that annoy you:

- Movie theater talkers. They should be shot. Or at least maimed.

- Guys who say they will call you and then don't. Guys? Just don't say it. We women will be fine.

- Old people driving slow on the road in the morning. Unless they have a doctor's appointment or an emergency, why do they have to be on the road during rush-hour traffic to annoy me? Stay home until I'm at work please. Thank you.

- Stupid people

- Have I mentioned Jon from Survivor?

- People walking in on me in the bathroom.

- People who call me during my favorite TV shows. I don't have my TiVo yet - I can't pause things, people.

06 things you say most everyday:

- "Word"

- "Bastard," "Like a Bastard," "As a Bastard"

- "I don't want to go to work!"

- "Jackass"

- "I've got the TV!"

- "I hate you, Jon from Survivor!"

05 things you do everyday:

- Pig out

- Bathe (I know you'll all be relieved by that one. Phew!)

- Curse Jon from Survivor

- Sing

- Check e-mail

04 people you want to spend more time with:

- Rachie

- My brother

- Anyone who hates Jon from Survivor

- TB - hey, something to look at!

03 movies you could watch over and over again:

- Better Off Dead (Hey, just how I feel about Jon from Survivor)

- Coming to America

- Can't Hardly Wait

02 of your favorite songs at the moment:

- The Remedy, Jason Mraz. Yeah, I know it's been around for a while, but I still dig it.

- Scratch, Kendall Payne.

**Honorable Mention to the song I'm writing, called "I hate you, Jon from Survivor"

01 person you would spend the rest of your life with:

- Oh. Um. Oh. Er. Um. Yeah, um, can I leave this one blank? No? Damn. I usually don't talk about such things here. Well, we all know it's not Jon from Survivor. Um...'the boy.' We'll just leave it at that.

Ooh, I'm done? Cool. Now who wants pizza? I'll call for delivery....

Celebrity Girlfriend of the Day: Angelina Jolie
What? I'm as straight as they come, but damn, c'mon - she's hot.

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2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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