Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-11-14 || Everything Is More Fun In Pigtails!
Everything is more fun in pigtails!

That�s my motto for the day. I can�t even remember the last time that I wore pigtails, but I�m sure I was probably under the age of 8. I didn�t realize what I had been missing! Yay! Pigtails! They just make everything better. They�re FUN! I was driving to work this morning, just yelling at everyone, �Outta the way, pigtails comin� through!!� I was also running late for work, but it was still fun to say. Yay, pigtails!

Of course, today will probably be the day that the rat bastard of a ma-an will decide to come by and take a gander inside my office. Hello, Mr. Distinguished. Yes, I am the one who wanted to date you, and yes, I�m wearing pigtails and a shirt with a bedazzled-like smiling skull on it. No, I�m not 12. Really! But aren�t my pigtails fun?? Don�t you want me now?? Hello?????



And thank you, Dad, for bringing home a cute young business associate at 9:30 PM last night without warning. There I am, laying on the floor in front of the TV with no makeup on, curled up under a throw in my jammies, with nowhere to run or hide. �Here, have a seat!� Thanks, Dad. I was like a deer caught in the headlights, just laying there and looking straight ahead. I wanted to shrink away under my blanket, but there was nowhere to go except in the direction of the strapping young lad behind me. In the immortal words of Tony the Tiger, �Grrrreat!� Sheesh.


Finally, bring on the hate mail. I�m just going to say it. I dislike Rupert from Survivor. Immensely. Nothing can be as bad as my intense loathing of Jon, but Rupert is starting to rank. Why is he being touted as America�s Favorite Survivor? I�m so sick of him and his self-important attitude. Miss Alli, I feel ya. Last night was the worst. These Survivors are ridiculously stupid. All night it�s, �Let�s get rid of Rupert, he�s too much of a threat, let�s get rid of Rupert,� blah blah blee dee dee. But first, let�s HAND him immunity on a silver platter. It was infuriating. It�s an immunity challenge where you can actually make sure people don�t win. Why was no one going after Rupert and Jon? WHY???? AAAARRRGGGHH!!!

Go to your happy place, Pam, go to your happy place. Think of your pigtails. Aww, they�re fun! Pigtails, pigtails, pigtails! YAY!

Happy weekend everybody. Wear some pigtails.

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Jan-Michael Gambill
Hottie tennis player. He's not very good, but he's extremely nice to look at. Especially with blond highlights in his hair. Rowr!

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