Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-10-20 || Red Sox Nation

Give us your tired and weary? We�ve got �em all right here.

Looking around these past few days I have noticed something about my fellow people � they are all zombies. And I�m not talking about Halloween-type zombies. No, no � these people are ass-out tired. And why is that? It�s because I live in the heart of Red Sox Nation. It wasn�t so bad at the beginning of this series, when it looked like it was going to be a clean sweep by the Yankees. But now that the Sox have staged a comeback and pushed it to Game 7? Dear Lord. They�ve already called in extra security for a local college tonight in case of riots. (Yeah, we're not exactly known for our riots around here, so it�s a big deal.) The series comeback has re-ignited the hope that dwells in the hearts of most of the people who live around here. It�s insanity. And it wouldn�t be half as bad if the Red Sox were playing any other team. But when it�s the Yankees? Oh Lordy, look out. People who don�t even normally watch sports are stumbling in to work bleary-eyed, complaining about the marathon 14 inning games.

But the Sox, they bring us together. It may only last a few fleeting days, but for those days we are a region united. 5 states full of pride and nerves, but most of all, hope. Suddenly, strangers everywhere are starting up conversations with each other, laughing and chatting lively about our boys. The Lakers and the Celtics rivalry of the 80�s never had it so good. And forget about the Patriots winning the last two Super Bowls. Eh, that�s old news. �Oh, the Patriots won? That�s nice. Now who do you think the Red Sox can get in a trade for next year?� It�s always been about our boys. �Did you see the game last night?� and �What about Schilling?� have replaced �Hello,� and �How are you?� in our vocabulary. "The green monster" is part of our everyday speech, and it is almost never used to refer to Shrek. I live in a place where you can go to the local movie theater and watch a movie about last year�s playoffs and hear scads of men around you crying and sniffling. You can go to the convenience store and pick up some milk, bread, and a �Yankees Suck� or �We Still Believe� t-shirt. (My personal favorite? �Damon is my homeboy�) So tonight, as Game 7 looms ahead, people all around prepare for another long night sure to be full of armchair gripping and fist pumping, along with a whole lot of yelling and maybe even some tears. The one thing it won�t be full of is sleep. But together we shall rise, and together we shall fall. And together we shall be the living dead, for we are the Red Sox Nation.

Go Sox!

Live Show Pick of the Day: An Evening With David Sedaris
Oh man, if Sedaris is coming around your parts, go. I headed down to Connecticut to see him over the weekend and my stomach muscles still hurt from laughing so hard. I'm just kicking myself for not knowing beforehand that he stays and talks to people and signs books after the show. Next time.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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