Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2005-02-17 || Songs, The Sexy & Singers, Oh My!
Here�s a little song that I made up in my car on my way to work this morning. I knew I should have gone one more time before leaving the house, but really � my ride to work is normally 10 minutes long. I smell a �Song of the Year� Grammy:


Me, me, me
I have to pee, pee, pee
Who, me? Yes, me
I have to pee, pee, pee

Gang way, coming through
I don�t have time for you
I have to pee, pee, pee

Don�t be a jerk,
I�m trying to get to work
Where I can pee, pee, pee, pee, pee

What�s this? Road construction?
I can�t take another obstruction
In my journey to pee
Please, please clear the roads
Before my bladder explodes
I have to peeeeeeeeee

(Take it home now!)

Oh, it�s me, me, me
Gotta pee, pee, pee
When I finally do,
such release will be sweet
I�m not kidding when I say
I have to pee, pee, pee
So move it with your flag, buddy
Or my tires will meet your feeeeeet



Now that I have settled into thirty-dom, I�ve discovered something wonderful about it � people aren�t lying when they say their 30s are better than their 20s. I�m already liking it more. My friend Liz and I share the same sentiment � 30 seems to feel like the �I feel sexy� time. And I can�t say that�s a bad thing AT ALL. We�ll just leave it at that. Ahem. Anyway, this has caused me to begin what I am now calling �Pam: The Sexification.� Or something like that. I didn�t even realize I was doing this until I found myself buying a corset and thigh high nylons last night. Since last week, I�ve been noticing that my boobs seem to be getting bigger (FINALLY) and bouncier. What is going on here?? Hell, I�m not complaining. I just bought some stiletto heels and plan to buy another pair this weekend. And tonight? La Perla garter belt. Where am I going to wear it? Who knows and who cares! It�s the Sexification! So far, I�m loving it. 30? ROCKS.


Why did the folks at American Idol drag things out so much after we all knew who was going through from the first few episodes? Oh yeah, that�s right � because foolish people like me just keep watching. Bah! I�m glad it�s finally down to the final 24, even if I do disagree with the need to have 6 guys and 6 girls if it means it is at the cost of better singers of either gender. But here are my top 4 personal favorites � 2 men and 2 women � we�ll see how they do. Men � Mario Vazquez (my overall favorite) and Nikko (Ozzie Jr.) Smith. Women � Carrie Underwood and Nadia Turner. [Side note: I really don�t like Constantine, so I was quite disturbed with that crotch shot last night. Did anyone else see that? Holy shit! I don�t know whether to be horrified or impressed. I�ll go with horrified. Such a waste on such a tool.] I�ll be interested to see what happens when the voting starts next week. (Don�t vote Constantine! What, is that hate mail already?)

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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