Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2005-02-16 || Shop, Shop, Shop!

Oh, the perils of working 3 minutes away from a mall. I decided to go out at lunch time today (Bad Idea #1) to pick up a $5 item at Bath & Body Works. I was just going to run in, pick it up and then come back to work and eat and read for the remainder of my lunch hour. An hour later, I returned to work hungry and $105 poorer. You see, I'm old now that I'm 30 and need to park in the same place when I go to the mall so I know where to find my car when I come out. It was just always easiest to park in front of the door that enters into the Macy's shoe department (Bad Idea #2). As I was walking in today, I thought, "Hmmm. I should just glance over at their black shoes to see if I can replace my dying all-purpose ones. After all, it's on my list, so it's totally justifiable." (Bad Idea #3) Well, I didn't get the black shoes, but I did end up with a pair that rank highly on my list of the GREATEST SHOES EVER. Check out these bad boys:

Now come on, how could I pass those up? I thought it would be fun to just try them on along with the black pairs, you know - just for kicks, but when I put them on my feet, I fell in love immediately. The next order of business? Find kickass outfit to go with THE SHOES. I finally made my way down to Bath & Body Works with 25 minutes left on my lunch hour, and you can probably guess that I did not leave there with only my $5 item. Some days it is just too hard to turn down a "Buy 3, Get 1 Free!" offer. Today just happened to be one of those days. Also? Sometimes there just aren't enough rocks. (Don't know why, just had to.)

Anyway, so now I'm out all that money and still haven't gotten my black shoes yet. Tonight I shall go on the hunt for them as well as an outfit to match THE SHOES. I can't wait to wear those. Hold on, I have to look at them again. Ah, so worth the money. Now if I can just keep myself inside at lunch time until I change offices in 5 weeks, everything should be just fine. Yes, yes. Wait - what was that? New styles of jeans at The Gap and I have a $10 off certificate? Dammit! I guess I know what I'll be doing at lunch time tomorrow. I can practice willpower with something else, like not eating lightbulbs. In the meantime, I must shop!

P.S. I got one of the best "first impression" responses on my last entry from my boy Pratt, who said that his first impression upon seeing me at JournalCon was "It's Jane from the Daria cartoons." Awesome.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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