Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-06-02 || Angry Skinny Chick
I'm skinny. Deal with it. Also? Leave me alone.

You would not believe the amount of flak I catch for being skinny. It's almost as if it's a crime. I'm really sorry that my body has this metabolism, but there's nothing I can do about it. PLEASE stop with the comments already. I'd really like to weigh about 10 pounds more, but I don't and I can't, so please just shut it. Sorry, but this is a sore subject for me. I know people find it hard to feel sorry for someone who is genetically blessed to be skinny, but I just need to rant for a few and then I'll be over it.

Now let me clarify a few things - I have pretty much always been thin, but I'm not Lara Flynn Boyle skinny. I don't look like a bag of bones, I'm just long and lean. My doctors are not concerned about my weight, because I weigh more than most people think I do. I'm just skinny and there's nothing I can do about it. If I'm sick and lose a few pounds, it really upsets me if I have trouble gaining them back. So it's really a pain in the ass when people bug me about it. It's not really a topic I enjoy discussing. And I really don't know why it's okay to badger a skinny person but not someone who is overweight. I'm really sick of people telling me to eat. I do. People who know me laugh at this because they know I eat all day long. I may not be able to eat a 5 course meal, but I can eat about 8 one course meals in a day. So please, leave me alone. I work with a lot of bigger women, and they always say that they tease me because they are jealous, but really - enough is enough.

The worst was probably a woman who used to come into my office last year. She was obsessed with me. She came in a few days after her first visit and said she went home and told her friend all about the skinny girl she saw at the office. There's something wrong right there. Who goes home and has discussions about this? Is it all that fascinating? She then asked me how much I weighed and I was a little startled by her rudeness. I hadn't even gotten a chance to respond when she started throwing out guesses, "85, 90 pounds?" I just started laughing my head off. I just looked at her incredulously and said, "I'm 5'7"." She then still thought she was correct with her estimates. I told her that I weighed about 115-118 and gave her a dirty look. She was still going on and on about it to her friend after that, but I just couldn't believe her nerve. However, she might be topped by the nurse in one of my doctor's offices. My doctor is a big German woman who always keeps tabs on my weight, and the last time I went I was down one pound from my last visit. ONE POUND. Well, the nurse who was weighing me before my appointment felt that she needed to scold me about this fact and then suggest all kinds of supplement drinks that I should look into buying. The big problem I had with this is that the nurse was pretty much the female Skeletor. As she kept going on, my mom blurted out what we were both thinking, "You're one to talk." Go Mom! I hate people saying things to me, so I won't say anything to them, but this woman had it coming. She was creepy skinny. There were all kinds of bones sticking out and my arms made about 2 1/2 of hers. She then told me about the wonderful diet that she follows - she likes those tasty granola bars with cinnamon in them and eats 4 over the course of the day for breakfast and lunch. She then eats dinner. This is probably why she weighs 98 pounds, as we later learned. Lady, I eat a bowl of cereal before work, a donut and/or cookies 2 hours later, a full lunch 2 hours after that, a candy bar and chips in another 2 hours and then dinner and snacks to fill the rest of my evening. Watching TV alone I eat cookies, ice cream, chips, and whatever else I can get my hands on. I have a basket of candy next to my desk whose supply I deplete in record time. You can take your 4 granola bars and shove them up your ass. Oh, wait. You don't have one. Sorry, Skeletorina. Geez.

I know, I know, I'm ranting about this way too much, but it's really getting on my nerves lately. I will admit that it was really funny when I walked by three guys in Vegas and one said, "Hey Slim, how you doin'?" but that doesn't make up for all of the, "I was thin like that once" and "Look at you, don't you ever eat?" comments that seem to come in droves. You can think what you want, but please - I hear it enough. Just keep your opinions to yourself. I know you may mean well, but really, shut the f*** up. I'm skinny, get over it.

Ooh, I'm angry lady today. Sorry, y'all. I promise to be nice next time.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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