Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-08-23 || Ooh, a Pajama Jammy Jam!
But the real question is, can I bring Kid n' Play? I'm pretty sure their schedule is WIDE open.

My friend invited me to come and help him out at his daughter's 11th birthday party tonight. A slumber party. With 8 eleven year old girls. NO thanks. I can't even imagine. Do they still have a lot of slumber parties? I haven't heard of one in a while.

I miss the days of slumber parties. I used to love being invited to one. I was also such a wuss that I had to call my mom at midnight every time because I was homesick. I think technology has kind of ruined things these days, though. I remember one of the highlights of the slumber parties was making prank phone calls to random numbers. Caller ID has all but taken all of the fun out of that now. Sure, you can block the line and other things, but it just takes all the fun and spontaneity out of it. I remember when I was in 4th and 5th grade, one of my friends would always rent a VCR for her parties. Not everyone had VCRs back then - yes, I'm old. We would always rent the same two movies, too. Annie, for some ungodly reason, and the big kid's Disney horror flick - The Watcher in the Woods. I just remember that movie freaking me the hell out. Thanks, Disney. I think I'm going to have to watch that movie again now. I remember it being pretty creepy, but I was also 10. I think a lot of it was due to Bette Davis. She was one scary-ass bitch. Now I'm thinking of the movie in my head and have decided that it must be rented. Damn, I should have thought of it sooner so I could have brought it over to the slumber party and tested it out.

Kids need the grand traditions passed down to them. I was lucky enough to have the whole 'driving by boy's houses' thing passed down to me by a number of women. I try to do my duty and pass it on as much as I can. It's almost a rite of passage. Almost every girl has done it at some point or another in her life. If someone says she hasn't, chances are she either has no female friends, is lying, or is Amish. And I really don't even know what the whole point of driving by is. You don't do anything when you go. Girls are so weird, though, because we'd get all excited by seeing a light on in the house. Any light. "Ooh, someone's home! Duck!" We'd be screaming and waving our hands in the air, "Drive, DRIVE!!!" It's all very stealth-like and dramatic. Except not. My mom would agree to take me by boy's houses, but then do something like pull in the driveway or beep the horn to bust my balls. Of course, I would dive under the seat, mortified, but it was fun for some reason. Maybe I'm easily entertained. However, once again, technology has taken the fun out of this tradition. If no one knew how to get there or where he lived, finding a boy's house used to involve a lot of skill and cunning. And oh, I was the master. They still tell tales of things I've managed to find. Today, though, girls aren't challenged enough. The internet has made boy-finding too easy. You just punch it in on Mapquest and off you go. Gone are the bonding experiences made during intense detective work and late-night dashes to the local 7-11 to steal glimpses at their street maps. We didn't have cell phones to call anyone if we got lost. We just simply did it, and had a whole lot of fun in the process. I hope I'm able to pass down that aspect when I train my next victim, I mean student. That lesson must be understood before we can even get into the art of trash picking. But that's a story for another time. If you'll excuse me now, I've got to call my neighbor and find out if he has Prince Albert in a can. (snicker)

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Johnny Depp
Everyone is all about the Depp now that he had his big "comeback" with Pirates of the Caribbean. Comeback? Where did he go? I've been on the Depp train ever since I had that glorious poster of him from 21 Jump Street. Mmmm. And as we've all learned before, you just can't ugly up Johnny Depp. It simply can't be done. He's beautiful. He's a great actor. He's a super-hot celebrity boyfriend. Deal with it.
Pam's Droolworthy Award: My favorite Depp role? Cry Baby. Roooowwwwwrrrrr!

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2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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