Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-08-28 || 35 Things You Never Needed To Know About Me

In honor of my 100th entry, I'm phoning this one in with one of those little survey things of 35 things you probably didn't need to know about me but you will now. I think I stole this one from fadein. Enjoy!

1. The name you wish your parents had given you: Oh geez. I was supposed to be Julie, but my cousin was born a month before me and stole the name. Hmmm. Too bad Melody is so cheerleader-y because I love to sing. Felicity!
2. Favorite type of pet: I've always wanted a monkey, but once I researched how bad they are as pets, I gave that up.
3. Favorite breed of #2: This is hard. I like them all! Top 3 - Capuchin, gibbon, and sock.
4. Favorite part(s) of your body: I guess it would be my eyes because they tend to get the most attention for being so damn creepy big. I just wish I could see better with them.
5. Current job title and company: I hate my job. I'm making this one up. Freelance writer, Sockgirlie Productions. Word.
6. Dream vacation spot: Los Angeles or London
7. Food dish you're best at preparing: Ooh, I can't cook for shit. Wait, I make a very good blueberry surprise. What's the surprise? That I made it and it's actually good.
8. Object of your first crush (his/her name and your age at crush): Jason Montague in kindergarten. There were many more that year, but he was my first.
9.First major purchase after getting first good-paying job: I went hog wild! New dresser, TV, desk, new stereo with surround sound, VCR, and DVD player. Pam's Movie Theater.
10. Premarital sex - OK or wait: Hey, this is to each his own. I say what if I never got married? I'm going to die a virgin? Hell, no.
11. Worst movie you actually sat through: Jack Frost 2. SO bad, and you know I have a high tolerance and enjoy most bad movies. This was completely horrible beyond belief.
12. Worst movie you walked out of: I've never walked out of a movie, and I've sat through some questionable ones, like Salsa and Mortal Kombat. (Hey, I had a free pass and went with my brother and his cute friend.)
13. How many people you know or knew that were/are in any branch of the military: I don't think I'm counting elders, so 4 would be the answer. I'm still kicking myself about the one who was in the Navy and stationed here who I didn't go on a second date with because I liked some other weird guy who I had no shot with. Did I mention the Navy guy was the sweetest guy ever and looked like George Clooney? What is wrong with me??? I even wore the ugliest shirt that I owned on our date as a test. Of course, I liked the shirt, but it was ridiculously ugly. One of the first things he said to me was, "I love that shirt!" It was my test like the earrings in Singles. Years later, I'm still pissed off at myself. He looked like George Clooney, for crying out loud.
14. The TV show(s) that you hate to miss: Hoo boy. The Simpsons, Gilmore Girls, Smallville, American Idol, That 70's Show, Ed, Friends, The Amazing Race, & Survivor. I'm a TV whore.
15. The TV show(s) you hate: The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. He used to be so funny doing stand-up back in the day, but his show now is just utterly unwatchable.
16. First play you saw: I don't even remember. I was in a production of The Wizard of Oz when I was in first grade. Does that count?
16a. First musical you saw: Cats
17. Last CD you bought: The new Liz Phair. I'm digging it.
18. DVD Player or VCR: Both. DVD player for watching movies - I'm a DVD snob now, I won't rent VHS. VCR for taping TV shows that air at the same time.
19. Last movie you saw: Wow, I haven't been to the movies in a few weeks. I saw the second Tomb Raider the same day as a midnight showing of Donnie Darko.
20. Mom's middle name: Anita. She hates it. She once knew a woman in Chicago named Anita Dick. That's just cruel, yo.
21. Dad's middle name: Edward, and why do you care again?
22. Age at first kiss: Dougie Drake kissed me by the paste in kindergarten, but I was pissed off because I didn't like him. First consensual kiss? I was either 10 or 11.
23. Biggest turn-on: Making me laugh
24. Biggest turn-off: I tend to have a lot of these. Biggest may be guys who love themselves. Ech.
25. Something you hated in high school and really like now: Hamburgers. I don't know why.
26. Thing(s) you collect: Oh man, I have a lot of things, but I'm not sure I'd call most of them a collection. Definitely sock monkeys, and I have a lot of lunch boxes and clowny things. Oh, and boys.
27. Seen a porno flick?: Never seen a whole hard core one, just parts. I've seen soft core. Any regular reader knows I'm a porn killer.
28. Last song you heard: Human Nature, by Madonna.
29. Last time you exercised and what you did: I'm sticking with sports-related exercise on this one. I played tennis last weekend.
30. Your favorite place you've actually visited: The SNL studio in NYC. It felt like home.
31. The farthest place where you know someone who lives there: California
32. City and state you were born in: Warwick, Rhode Island. Sadly, still there.
33. Favorite insect: The dead kind
34. Least favorite insect: Are tarantulas insects?
35. Next planned big purchase: A bigger TV, DVD player with DTS and new stereo with DTS surround sound. I can't wait for my new job in a few months. Wooo!

So I guess that's it. Kinda boring, but a cheap 100th entry. Stay tuned next time for Pam & Lucy do the VMA's. I'll also have more Puddy stories. Catch you then....

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: A retro one today! Dan Cortese
Ooh, I used to loooove him on MTV Sports. Then he did those sweetly annoying Burger King commercials and the short-lived TV show Route 66. I was a fawner. Lucy and I saw a commercial tonight for his new fall show on UPN and homeboy still looks good.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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