Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2005-12-14 || Random Thoughts & Tidbits

Random Thoughts Lately (aka A Trip Into The Scary Recesses of My Mind):

- What�s going on with Reality TV lately with contestants that I actually like getting to the finals? It�s madness, but in a good way. It probably all started with Carrie winning Idol, and then I liked the final 2 in this season�s America�s Next Top Model, the final 3 in Survivor, the final 2 in The Amazing Race, and the final 2 in this week�s Apprentice finale. I�ve even had the people I most wanted to win the shows actually win. What�s going on here?? And why is it making me uneasy? Is the Apocalypse upon us?

- There�s not much that could have ruined the Curious George trailer more for me than those dreaded words spoken at the end, �Featuring all new songs by Jack Johnson.� (Except if �Jack Johnson� was replaced with �Dave Matthews.� In either case, bleah!)

- It�s only December 14th, and already this winter is dead to me. It�s about 9 degrees out today with a negative wind chill factor, and last week found a bunch of us trapped in the parking lot at work after a snowstorm that wasn�t really played up because the local weather boobs had been hyping us up for a dud a few days earlier. 20 minutes of shoveling my way out (reminding me of what poor, poor shape I�m in) and a 2-hour commute home instead of 20 minutes signaled the official �dead to me� status of this winter. Now they�re predicting snow for Friday and I�m packing my bags. Warm climate, here I come. God help me in March.

- Why are my grandmother�s pants getting shorter as she is getting older? Actually, it�s happening to both of my grandmothers. They�re shrinking themselves, getting smaller and shorter � why are their pants following suit and turning into highwaters? They should be swimming in them! And why are my mother and I so fascinated by this? And why do I always think of The Incredible Shrinking Woman when anyone mentions anyone shrinking? And I think back fondly � I must have watched that movie a zillion times when I was younger. I�m kind of worried that it�s actually not even half as good as I think it was. This is probably why I should never watch it now that I�m older � I�m not sure it will make the transition. But man, I used to love that garbage disposal scene.

Embarrassing Quote of the Day: Courtesy of me: �I saw XXX in the theater.� Oh, the shame.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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