Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2005-01-24 || TiVo Picks - Recommended With...Love?

Top Ten Signs That My TiVo Is Getting To Know Me, Based On These Recommended Programs:

1. Seinfeld
2. Gilmore Girls
3. Family Guy
4. The Apprentice
5. Hollywood Showdown
6. Mr. Show
7. Daria
8. Friends
9. Smallville
10. The X-Files

Wow, nice work there, TiVo. I watch Gilmore Girls on a completely different TV every week, so that one was done all on its own. Aww, it really IS true love. Wait, what are these other things on my recommended list...?

Top Ten Signs That My TiVo Doesn't Know Me At ALL, Based On These Recommended Programs:

1. Fox and Friends First, Fox News Channel - I have never, ever watched the Fox News Channel. Why, TiVo, why???? It can't be because I TiVo The Daily Show. C'mon, TiVo. The Fox News Channel? Seriously?

2. 3rd Rock From the Sun

3. Live With Regis and Kelly - Really? Is this because of my Season Pass for The Ellen Degeneres Show? That's the only daytime show I watch, so it's the only explanation I can come up with for this. For the record, Live With Regis and Kelly? Ugh.

4. Mujer, Casos de la Vida Real, Univision - I know I watch a fair amount of reality TV, but it's all in English. I don't know why my TiVo has a thing about me and the Spanish-language programming. I have never turned on any of those channels - yet, it still persists. Which leads me to....

5. Tu Desayuno Alegre - This could be some quality programming here for all I know, but that's the point - I don't speak Spanish, TIVO.

6. Your World Today, CNN International. [Sigh] It's because of The Daily Show, isn't it? I enjoy FAKE news, TiVo. Get it straight!

7. Fear Factor - Never.

8. Dinner Time, IFC - I have to include the description of this movie to illustrate my point about my TiVo not knowing me: "(2000) Danny Aiello, Edoardo Ballerini [who?], Vivian Wu, Michael McGlone[who?]. Two gangsters threaten the owner of an upscale restaurant after his son can�t pay a gambling debt." I'm still scratching my head on this one. I may have watched something on IFC once, but I'm sure it didn't involve gangsters or Danny Aiello. Is this because my TiVo knows that I secretly love Madonna's video for Papa Don't Preach? Who told it? How does it know????

9. Anatomy of a Crash, DHD - Oh, good - listen to this program description: "Real automobile accidents; causes and effects." Yes, yes - that sounds just like my kind of programming. Has TiVo seen my Fall TV Viewing Schedule? I don't think so. Here's how I know it didn't:

10. Birth Stories, Oxygen - I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. Anyone who knows me would tell you this is the EXACT opposite of anything that I would ever watch. Well, this and anything on the Fox News Channel.

You know, that second list is really making me wonder about the love between me and my TiVo. How can it seem to mean so m...wait, what's this I see on the list of recommendations here? No, it couldn't be. It must be some kind of a mistake. Oh no, but it's not a mistake. And it IS there. And this is how I know now that my TiVo is starting to understand me - listed on my recommended programs? Every Which Way But Loose. Sad, but completely true. Well played, TiVo. Well played.

[You know, I just realized that this is a great way to test guys in terms of relationship potential. "Here is a list of this week's TV programming. Now that we have been on 3 dates, you must pick 20 recommended programs for me. If you pass, it may be possible for you to see me naked. If you fail, it's over." Brilliant!]

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