Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-09-15 || Fake Boyfriends and Sweating in Church
Ask and ye shall receive.

Ahhh, all of my complaining last week about wanting a new fake boyfriend has paid off. I totally forgot about this guy. There's a guy who goes to my church who just started coming again yesterday after being away for the summer. And what was he doing over the summer? Working as a lifeguard. Hell to the yeah. I am like a bumbling idiot around this guy. It's ridiculous. We're on hello terms, but I can't even speak around him. I can't even get out the usual stupid and nonsensical things I say to guys I like. I just stand there and stare at him with my mouth hanging open like a fool. This behavior is most likely not helping my cause to get him to realize that I exist. It's okay, though because this one is definitely just for the boyfriend of the fake variety. If this was 1960, I would classify him as 'dreamy.' He's got a whole Jake Gyllenhaal thing going on, only prettier. As I sat there in church yesterday having lustful thoughts, I was also thinking that he is probably the second most beautiful guy I have ever met in person. It almost hurts to look at him. I just sit there in church and fan myself. It's a little embarrassing. I really need to get control of myself. But damn, he's hot. He's also 20. Woo! Oh yeah, and he used to work at Abercrombie and Fitch. I don't know about the rest of the country, but around here you only seem to find ridiculously hot guys working there. It's like my own private candy store! Yesterday he was working the whole rope necklace look with a rumpled white button-down. I somehow ended up in a group of 4 people who were chatting, him being one of them, and it was all I could do not to pant openly when he said he was going to go surfing later on. Unnnhhhh. I usually don't go for the pretty hunks, either. But this guy is just the universal type. I just want to see him with his shirt off. Is that too much to ask? Is that inappropriate to ask in church? "Excuse me, but would you mind just taking off your shirt? I'd like to get a look at the goods." What's wrong with that? No? I also hear he used to be a little on the slutty side. Wait, can guys be slutty? I think they can. It's much better than using stupid words like 'stud' or 'playa.' Man-slut. I like that. Or the old standard slut-puppy. What it really boils down to, though, it what's better than hot slutty guys? NOTHING.

If only I could learn how to speak now. Damn.

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Jason Lee
The only reason I've seen the movies Mumford, Chasing Amy, & Kissing a Fool. Adorable in everything else, especially Enemy of the State and A Guy Thing. Bonus boyfriend material - I loooove skateboarders.

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