Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2005-01-31 || Weekend Reminders

6 Things About Myself That I Was Reminded Of This Weekend:

1) I am still a weirdo-loser magnet - My brother gave me this title years ago, and sadly, it is still true. We went out for drinks on Friday night with the rockin� Amy, (who was awesome and hard-core with her drinking of the straight whiskey) and I looked up at one point to see this creepariffic guy smiling REALLY wide and staring at me from the other end of the bar. He was leaning forward and just STARING. He looked like The Joker with that smile. I was all freaked out and said something to Liz, who didn�t believe me until she turned around and looked at him and got all freaked out herself. �Oh my God, he is just staring! Why is he smiling like that?� Amy was weirded out as well, and I found it a great opportunity to point out that guys like that are the ones who like me. She had made an earlier comment about me being lucky about having guys do certain things for me, so I was happy to illustrate my point that I was not so lucky, as it was guys like Creepy Staring Guy who made romantic overtures towards me. Ugh. Nice to see that my reputation is still intact.

2) I still carry around some kind of public bathroom curse - On both Friday and Sunday, I kept randomly setting off those damn automatic paper towel dispensers. It was in two different places, too! I wasn�t even close to the stupid towel things and I didn�t set them off the first time I walked by, but when I was walking by them on my way out, they kept going off. Sure, they never work when I want them to. I hate them.

3) No matter how many times Gob does the chicken dance on Arrested Development, it never fails to reduce me to a fit of non-stop laughter - Now I feel the need to do it myself again. Coo coo coo coo coo coo coo!

4) I seem to be the only one who has a history of guys �taking it out� when they�re with me - Am I the only one who has this in common with Elaine Benes? We were talking about it the other night, and other girls looked at me like I was insane. I�ve had at least 4 guys that I can remember off the top of my head randomly do this to me without warning. It�s probably more than that, but what the hell? They do it when nothing romantic or remotely sexual has been going on, like when we�re just driving in the car, talking about completely unrelated things. Is it just me? Why do they do that??? They don�t seem to like my reaction of, �What are you doing? Put that thing away! Ugh!� but what do they expect? This whole thing still boggles my mind.

5) Night of the Demons is still one of the greatest bad horror movies ever made - We introduced this cinematic masterpiece to a few new folks the other night, and here are some of the comments that were made during the viewing:

�Who wrote this?�


�Oh my God, this acting can�t get any worse.�
�But that�s what makes it good!�

�Shhh! The boob scene! Pay attention, this is the greatest scene of any movie EVER.�
�Wait, what just happened? Why did she�?�

�What does this scene have to do with the rest of the movie?�
�Absolutely nothing, that�s what makes it funny.�
�But it makes no sense.�

Seriously, if you�re ever in the mood for a good bad horror movie, this one is a good one. You will laugh all night. And watch for the boob scene!

6) There�s still no guilt when I beat my father at his favorite card game and take his money - I went to the banquet for my dad�s card league yesterday and we played for money before and after. It feels good to beat him at his own game. The $44 I won from him was sweet, considering there�s a dress that I want that�s $39.99. Woo!


In other news, I just found out today that I got a job that I applied for in my old office. Woo! It�s the same job I�m doing now, but I�ll be back with my old friends, including the boys at the finance company next door. I start in about 6 weeks. Yay!


I�m starting preliminary work on another play, and I�m going to base it around the dating foibles of me and my friends. I�m looking for any good bad-date stories that you�d like to share and let me use in the play. So if you have any, e-mail me or hit up the comments. Also, if you have any dating neuroses, like my tendency to drop guys who have bad answering machine greetings, I�m looking for those as well. Thanks!

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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