Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-03-27 || Philip Seymour Serial Killer
�Dear World, I�m pleased to meet you�.�

I knew it would only be a matter of time before another one came along. However, this time I wasn�t the target. Phew! A potential maniacal killer came into my office today. Man, was he creeptified. He looked like a grungy, less pasty Philip Seymour Hoffman. He had the voice, too. But he was freakariffic. He sat in the waiting room and would alternate between the closed eyes and the evil squinty ones. All the while he�d have this creepy jokerish smile on his face. It was quite unsettling. There was definitely a whole evil manifesto whirring in that head. Then he left and I was relieved. Plus, I was relieved that he wasn�t trying to kill me. I was hoping that woman didn�t tell him about me. But then he came back. And I spoke to him. I couldn�t figure out the resemblance at first, so I asked him if anyone ever told him that he looked like someone famous. He offered that he sometimes gets �that curly-haired guy from My So-Called Life. I blurted out, �Krakow???!!� There was no way this balding demonic man looked anything like my sweet little Brian Krakow. Well, he wasn�t so innocent in later roles, but he�ll always be Krakow to me. Le sigh. Anyhoo, I thought, �Krakow, my ass!� and then finally thought of Mr. Hoffman. I told him that one and he laughed, saying that he does get that all the time. Yes, but does he get Philip Seymour Hoffman if he were a serial killer? Because that would be more accurate. I�m so fascinated by homicidal creeps, can you tell? The best part is that none of them are homicidal, after me, or after anyone. But it just makes the day go by faster. Ah, welcome to my world.

In other randomness, I got my new car Tuesday night and I finally got to go on a good mini-cruise today. The sun is shining, I�m down by the water, it�s the middle of the afternoon � so I popped open the sunroof and went for a ride. To McDonald�s. Hey, it�s somewhere, right? I bet I looked so snazzy tooling through the drive-thru. Awww yeah. Look out, Entertainment Weekly It List, here I come! Not.

Did I just use the phrase �Not� in a Wayne�s Worldian way? Wow. Next I�ll be telling you that something will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine. Or thanks, I like to play. Classic movie. I�ll stop now or I�ll go on forever. Plus, it�s almost time to leave work and go cruising again! In the construction-related traffic. Woo. Woo. Let me just leave you with this thought for the day � if you�re gonna spew, spew into this�.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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